Friday, February 29, 2008

Bunny #6

The final bunnies for this week are from Chasing Fireflies, one of my favorite places to shop for The Barefoot Princess and The Barefoot Baby. Pictured above are two Bunny dresses one for big girls (BP) and one for babies (BB). The material is green and white gingham with bunnies on the front. Almost too cute for words! I did not order these for my two little girls, although I thought about it. Their Easter dresses this year have a funny story to go along with them and I will have to take a picture of them and dedicate a separate post for that one.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bunny #5

Two of The Barefoot Princess' favorite stories about a little bunny named Max and his big sister Ruby. These two books are both Easter stories and are so cute and fun to read too. Of course Max gets into trouble in both and always brings a smile to BP's face!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bunny #4

A little Peter Rabbit trinket that I found on Etsy. I have always loved the original Peter Rabbit so this immediately cought my eye. It looks like a necklace, but it would also be a cute pin.

Montessori Mind...

I picked this book up at Borders the other day and so far I am really enjoying it. I like many of the Montessori ideas that I learned in my college education classes, but we never studied Montessori in depth. So I thought since The Barefoot Princess is going to go to a Montessori school next year I should educate myself further. The MOST IMPORTANT thing I have learned is that BP is in the phase of development the authors call "help me do it by myself." I could not agree with them more!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The Barefoot Baby tried rice cereal for the first time today. As I expected and because she takes eating very seriously, she decided she liked this new food right away. The Barefoot Princess helped feed her too! I expected 'the little mommy' would want to help too!

Bunny #3

This 'Bunny-in-a-Box' is from The Land of Nod ($29) and is a new twist on the old favorite jack-in-the-box. So cute and perfect for a baby's first Easter.

Snow Day...

Last Friday we had the most beautiful snowstorm. (I am ok with February snowstorms because I know that the snow will not last long and Spring is right around the corner.) The Barefoot Princess, Barefoot Baby and I enjoyed our day at home and played outside for awhile.

The Barefoot Baby was not too impressed with the snow...

She fell right to sleep!

The Barefoot Princess got her Cozy Coupe stuck and had to push it out.

Monday, February 25, 2008


A little shot from Daddy's mishap yesterday afternoon. He was riding his four-wheeler across the little seasonal pond in our backyard and suddenly the ice gave out. I was lucky enough to see the whole thing from the house and get a picture of it. He had to go to the local hardware store and buy a special rope thingy to pull it out with his Jeep. It was quite comical and I was sad BP was sleeping and missed the whole ordeal!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bunny #2

These bunny towels from Williams-Sonoma are so pretty and timeless. They would look so cute in my kitchen. I am hoping the Williams-Sonoma outlet near our house has them in stock.

A Bunny a Day...

Easter is exactly one month from tomorrow...So each day from now until Easter I will feature a bunny on our blog, well maybe not on the weekends.
Today's bunny is a pink marshmallow creation from and if you are real courageous you can go to her website and try to make it. Unless you are faithful to the traditional Easter Peeps!
I just thought it was simple and cute...a good way to start off the Bunny Posts! Stay tuned for more.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

In this picture The Barefoot Princess reminds me of my cousin Matthew.

At times he and BP could be twins.

I swear her expressions and overall personality remind me so much of him.

What do you think Pegeen?

We went to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time ever on Valentine's Day. The Barefoot Princess and three of her best buds met here to have fun and celebrate Heart Day! BP is pictured above with LilyPad Princess who she could not get enough of that day. BP had not seen LP in a while and she really missed her. I will always remember BP and her friends sitting like little angels in the booth while enjoying some famous Chuck E. Cheese pizza and behaving so well one would think they were 10 not 2!

Too Big...

Sorry BP... You are just too big for the Baby Einstein now!

BP and BB Just Chillin'

The Barefoot Princess has been a little under the weather so...
we have been playing at home this week.

The Barefoot Baby just chillin'

BP struggling to hold BB on her lap.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

BP's New Favorite...

These adorable little bunnies are Max and Ruby and they are The Barefoot Princess' new favorite storybook characters. We have a couple of Max and Ruby books written by Rosemary Wells and we just found a couple more at our local library. Max and Ruby are brother and sister. Max, the younger of the two, is always getting into trouble and driving his bossy older sister crazy. BP cannot get enough of these two and asks us to read 'Max;s Dragon Shirt' every night before she goes to sleep.

BP's New Barn

This was one of The Barefoot Princess' Valentine's Day presents. We had been looking for a wooden barn and found it at A.C. Moore. It is made by Melissa and Doug and is very sturdy and of course made in the USA. I did not realize A.C. Moore had so many quality wood toys. We went looking for new 'Tommies' and stumbled upon this.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day!!!

(photo form martha stewart)

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Have a great day and share it with those you love!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


photo from flickr

A mother wears so many hats. Some of them are rather serious, some are rather funny. I realized the other day that not only am I The Barefoot Princess' chaffeur, but also her personal DJ. When we are in the car and sometimes on our way to the car she tells me what song she would like to listen to. As we are driving I hear her from the back seat telling me her special requests. This is what one would hear in our car...

"Mommy, Ho-Ho song please." (yes we are still listening to Christmas music in February)

When that finishes, "Other one Mommy." (Other one= Jolly Old St. Nicholas)

"Dee-Dee Shoes please."

"Moe's Song."

"Beach Barney." (Mr. Sun, from the Beach Barney movie)

"Sea, Sea, Sea, song mommy."

"Hannah, please." (Hannah Montana, who I have to say I am really starting to like, should be mom confession #4)

And then she says things like "OOOOH I like this song," when I have the radio on and Fergie's 'Glamorous' comes on.

She definitely has developed her own taste in music and she has her favorites!

Thank You... M&N

Thank you Uncle Matt and Aunt Nicole for the baby play center you gave The Barefoot Baby this Christmas. She played with it until she was exhausted and fell right to sleep. (The Barefoot Princess thinks her little sister should always have a baby to play with / sleep with too!)

A Crafty Morning...

This is how we spent our morning...

Snow Pine Tree

Valentines for Friends and Family

My Audience...

This was my audience during storytime this morning!
A couple more baby dolls and I will feel like I am teaching again!
BP never wants to leave her babies out.

The Studious Barefoot Princess

The Barefoot Princess likes to wear my glasses and this morning while I was getting dressed she said, "look mommy! I working!"
She cracks me up everyday. Hopefully she will not have to wear glasses someday, but the odds are not genetically in her favor.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mom Confession #3

9 times out of 10 this is how our bed looks by the morning. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning (usually between 3 and 6) they each find their way into our bed. The Barefoot Princess simply calls for "Mommy" until one of us goes and gets her. She has never walked from her bedroom to ours. BP has slowly weened herself form sleeping with us. When she was little she spent the whole night in our bed. The Barefoot Baby goes to sleep in her bassinet which you can see in the photo is right next to our bed and then when she wakes up to eat around 3am she falls back to sleep in my arms. I normally feed her at the foot of the bed and that is where we fall back to sleep for the next three hours. This works because we have a sleigh bed and the foot board is very high. We love when they are in the bed and would not have it any other way. Someday they won't want to snuggle with us! What will happen when we have more children, you may ask. Wasn't it Anjelina Jolie and Brad Pitt that had a special bed made so that their whole family could fit in it?

A little something...

A little something to make the snow that is currently falling outside a little more fun.
They would also be great for the mud that will soon be here.

Being a Princess...

The life of a Barefoot Princess is exhausting!!!

Mom Confession #2... Laundry

I guess this should be more of a housewife confession... I have this thing about folding laundry... I can only fold warm or hot laundry... If the dryer stops and the laundry gets cold... I cannot fold it... It has to be warm for me to fold. Am I crazy or what?
photo from flickr

Playtime for BB

The Barefoot Baby has just started playing with her toys. It is so fun to watch her discover everything. She reaches out and makes something move or rattle and then looks at us like, "did I do that?" She surprises herself !!! She was three months old last week and is wearing 6-12 month clothes. I cannot wait to see how much she weighs at her 4 month check-up...

BP's First Haircut...

The Barefoot Princess' hair has been, well, wild and unruly to be quite honest. It was getting kind of scraggly in the back and the curls were hard to manage. I would wet it and brush it every morning and a few hours later it would be wild again. We thought it was time for her first haircut, just a little trim, so that it would grow in evenly. So today I took her to see Penny, the lady who cuts my hair, and she came home with an adorable little wavy bob. BP sat with Bitty baby on her lap and thought the special treatment was pretty cool!!! After she said, "ank you Penny" and then picked a lollipop for sitting so nicely.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Another Barefoot Princess???

(Barefoot Mom's dress of choice)
(A little something for The Barefoot Baby)
(And overalls for The Barefoot Princess)

There is actually another Barefoot Princess out there and it is a Lilly Pulitzer signature store (one of my favorite designers). I was just curious if I were to start my own business someday, if I could use this name and I happened accross this store today. I have always loved the Lily Pulitzer fabrics and patterns. I love the colors and fun prints that her designs come in. Lily, originally from NYC, married and moved to Palm Beach. Her husband owned several citrus groves and Lily capitalized on this and opened a juice stand. She found that squeezing juice all day really made a mess of her clothes and started designing sleeveless shifts with these bright colors and busy patterns to disguise juice stains and her business blossomed from there. This was in the 1950's and today she is still going strong! I learned this background information from a Vanity Fair article on the designer a couple of years ago. I love stories like this. So inspirational!!!


For as long as The Barefoot Princess has been drinking out of a sippy cup, I have always filled the cup with water and then added a splash of juice. Most often apple juice, but sometimes cranberry or white grape. The other day she watched me make her cup and said to me, "no too much water, Mommy." My first thought was BUSTED!!! When did she figure out my water trick? What am I going to do now? I simply told her that too much juice is not good for her belly or her teeth and water is good for her. She did not argue and walked away happily with her Tommie sippy cup. Phew!!! I thought... safe for now.

Mom Confession #1

Inspired by my friend Julie who has been bloogging mommmy confessions, I thought of one and I know Blue House Mom can agree with me on this one too. So here it is...

Sometimes The Barefoot Princess is not a willing participant in the afternoon nap and a short drive in the car is required to bring on a nap. Because of this, I know where all the drive-thru Dunkin' Donuts are located in the area that we live. There is nothing better than a quick ride in the car, when BP and BB drift off to sleepyland and I can get a cup of tea without having to disturb them!!! Priceless!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Seven Things I Love...

(photo from flickr)

I was tagged by my friend Allison to list seven things I love...only seven? This was tough for me, but I gave it a shot...

1. My husband and The Barefoot Princess singing 'Mr. Sun' together and even using the hand movements.

2. The Barefoot Baby's chubby cheeks. I kiss them at least one hundred times a day.

3. Girly Things, like the bellini I had at brunch last Sunday, pearls, gross-grain ribbon, Lily Pulitzer patterns, manicures, the movie Sweet Home Alabama, Martha Stewart, chocolate, and Princess Grace to name just a few!!!

4. The Barefoot Princess' proud smile when she put her shoes and socks on all by herself today.

5. Knowing that Spring is just around the corner.

6. Being with my two little girls 24/7.

7. Knowing that love at first sight exists.
I tag Keri, Julie, Amanda, and Judy to do this too!!! Have fun !!!
Thanks Allison!!!