Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby G #3!

Word is out...Baby G #3 is on the way!!! Yes, we are expecting another little one. I can no longer hide my belly, and I think in the last 16 weeks, I have officially vomitted in just about all the most random places. We have told all our family and friends, and to make it really official, I am now announcing it on our blog. Just in case we missed anyone. We are all very excited! No, we are not trying for a boy. So many people have asked us this question. Barefoot Dad is secretly hoping for another girl. I know, he is absolutely insane. I just wish for a healthy baby. BP is just tickled with the idea of a baby and helping in any way she can. And poor BB keeps lifting her shirt and tellng everyone she has a baby in her belly or pointing to Daddy's belly and saying there is a baby in there. She doesn't get it. It may be hardest on her, but she was born with the spunk of a middle child. I think she will be just fine. Fingers crossed.
I found the above pictures of BP and BB when they were babies and I cannot wait to kiss chubby little cheeks and snuggle up for a whiff of true baby smell. It hasn't been that long, but then again maybe it has... We will find out the sex of the baby in a couple weeks. In the meantime maybe I will get really brave and post a belly shot. Then again...maybe not. I think you "show" much sooner the thrid time around!

Monday, August 24, 2009

"Big Hotel"

Last weekend we took the girls to stay at one of our favorite hotels in New York City. The "big hotel" is what BB kept calling it. BP was just so excited by the views of the water, Lady Liberty, Ellis Island and being so high up. It is a special place for us because it is where Barefoot Dad proposed to me. We love to visit this hotel and of course the city. We had some back to school shopping to do and it had been too long since we took the girls to the city. So in less than 24 hours we were able to accomplish a lot even in the oppressive heat.


We met Lucky by a lake after blueberry picking. I swear he heard the girls' little voices and giggles and made a beeline for them. (BP and BB see water and want to get in it. Even the Hudson River the other day when we were in the city, but that is a story for another time.) So anyway, they joined Lucky in the water by first taking off their shoes and socks. Then BP asked if she could tuck her dress into her undies so it wouldn't get wet. Then she took her dress off and of course BB followed. They have no inhibitions and no fear of pools, oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, swamps, you name it. We have grown leaps and bounds this Summer in this department! Lucky and Daddy ensured their safety while I snapped pictures from the sidelines. I would have taken Lucky home with us if I could. He seemd like an old soul and a great guardian.

Blueberry Picking

A couple weeks ago we met up with Nana and Pop-Pop and went blueberry picking. Well, most of us picked blueberries, the littlest one just ate them. A LOT of them! We picked for about an hour and went home with plenty of blueberries. Enough to last us all week and share with our neighbors.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

BB Photo Gallery

Cows + Milk

Here are some pictures from a recent trip to visit good friends of ours from college. Uncle Shores is a dairy farmer. Big time dairy farmer. He milks about 400 cows. That is A LOT of cows so they milk 23 hours a day. Above you can see the girls checking out the milking process. BP looks like the inspector and BB, who is a HUGE milk fan, was mesmerized by the whole thing. While visiting we were able to catch up with Shores, his wife Corin, and their 9 month old little boy Jacob. It had been a couple years since we last saw them, which is definitely way too long. And seeing their cute baby boy was such a treat.

Monday, August 3, 2009

River Picnic

A couple weeks ago we escaped to one of our favorite places just a half hour from home. A world famous fly fishing river with a picture perfect covered bridge. We have discovered this area to be great for hiking, swimming, fishing, picnicing, playing, and just relaxing!


Little did we know when we moved that these three gals would be our neighbors...boy did we luck out! Basically BP and BB have three big sisters, and I have three great mothers helpers right nextdoor. BP and BB worship these girls and to be honest they are incredible role models. Not only are they adorable, but super smart, athletic, funny, outgoing, and well mannered. Poor Barefoot Dad because sometimes he comes home to six girls giggling at the kitchen table eating chocolate chip pancakes. Or he takes six girls to The Creamery for ice cream. Or there is a knock on our door at night to use our internet and then we talk and snack until very late. God bless him!
Since school let out in the city it has been a non-stop girl party here on our mountain. BP even had her first real sleepover at their house and did not miss us one little bit. And these three girls come with great parents who have a lot of advice on raising girls which is much appreciated!