Monday, August 24, 2009

"Big Hotel"

Last weekend we took the girls to stay at one of our favorite hotels in New York City. The "big hotel" is what BB kept calling it. BP was just so excited by the views of the water, Lady Liberty, Ellis Island and being so high up. It is a special place for us because it is where Barefoot Dad proposed to me. We love to visit this hotel and of course the city. We had some back to school shopping to do and it had been too long since we took the girls to the city. So in less than 24 hours we were able to accomplish a lot even in the oppressive heat.


allison said...

Sounds lovely. I think it's great you guys do city-days. I'd love to tag along with you one day!

Buby + Bleu said...

That's cool. I bet your girls will always remember those experiences. You'll have to tell me what hotel it is. We know that area pretty well.