Monday, August 24, 2009


We met Lucky by a lake after blueberry picking. I swear he heard the girls' little voices and giggles and made a beeline for them. (BP and BB see water and want to get in it. Even the Hudson River the other day when we were in the city, but that is a story for another time.) So anyway, they joined Lucky in the water by first taking off their shoes and socks. Then BP asked if she could tuck her dress into her undies so it wouldn't get wet. Then she took her dress off and of course BB followed. They have no inhibitions and no fear of pools, oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, swamps, you name it. We have grown leaps and bounds this Summer in this department! Lucky and Daddy ensured their safety while I snapped pictures from the sidelines. I would have taken Lucky home with us if I could. He seemd like an old soul and a great guardian.


Buby + Bleu said...

Oh, how sweet! Beautiful dog. I love the third picture down. That's CLASSIC with the dress tucked in.

Buby is cautious around water (even though he can now swim on his own in the pool), but Bleu jumps right in. She loves being down at the river.

allison said...

I love that BP tucked her dress into her undies. Too funny. She's such an outdoor girl.