Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Barefoot Baby

Look how big The Barefoot Baby is getting! I keep thinking... Can those cheeks get any bigger? And then they do!!! Check out my new pillow. Another Christmas gift that I love. It matches our new furniture perfectly. (I am so grateful for family who really knows me)

Thank You Kris Kringle!!!

Thank you to my Kris Kringle (I hope I spelled that correctly)!!! I love the Vera Breadley bag with the little pink elephants on it. So me!!! I cannot wait to use it. It is the size of a big purse or a small diaper bag and I am sure I will use it for both.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A New tradition???

We had a lot of presents to wrap. Or should I say I had a lot of presents to wrap. (BP and BB's Daddy is not fond of wrapping) So my sweet husband brought a bottle of very good champagne. Who can refuse a bottle of Veuve Cliquot? After BP fell asleep I wrapped until about midnight and Daddy held BB who slept like a queen on his chest. It was so nice to enjoy a little bubbly next to the Christamas tree and talk while wrapping the huge pile of gifts for BP and BB. It was a little down time during a crazy month and I appreciated it so much. I think this should become a holiday traditon for us.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Result...

This is the result of a day of rolling, cutting, baking and decorating. We had a blast and could not believe how fast the day went. Thank you to my friend Judy and Mona for putting up with BP's meltdowns towards the end of the day. I have learned a very important lesson about skipping the nap. Also thank you to Judy for making the dough in advance which saved us some major time. What a great friend... I guess she new that the new mother could not handle too much. The cookies were delicious... Santa really enjoyed them!!!

The Cookie Inspiration...

In the December issue of Counrty Living magazine there was a whole section dedicated to baking Christmas Cookies. It gave the recipe for a sugar cookie dough and then thirteen, yes thirteen different cookies you could make out of it. My friend Judy and I often call each other when we receive the magazine in the mail and talk about things we like and see in it. So when December's issue came she called and said; "we have to try these cookies." We set a date and went to work...

A Lifesaver

I have the Nicole Miller Snugli pictured above and it has been a lifesaver!!! I use it almost everyday. I have had it since The Barefoot Princess was a baby. Unfortunatley BP grew out of it rather fast. I have used it much more this time with The Barefoot Baby. It allows me to have both of my hands free and do lots of things around the house. Yesterday, for example, while wearing my Snugli with BB in it, I was able to play Little People with BP, change BP's diaper, make grilled cheese and soup for lunch, do two loads of laundry, and clean the playroom. Then we went to Rite Aid to make picture prints and agian I put BB in the snugli. Then I put BP in the shopping cart.
I guess BP noticed that I have been wearing the snugli a lot because she put her purple monkey from Uncle T around her neck yesterday and said "Look Mommy, me too!" "My Baby" Then she wrapped the pink blankie around her baby and wore it all around the house. So funny!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Best of Both Worlds

The other day when we went out these were the two accessories The Barefoot Princess insisted on taking / wearing. I did not have a chance to take her picture at the time, but we laughed and I kept thinking about the pink John Deere hat and the blue Tiffany bag. What a combo...what an oxymoron? We often talk about making sure BP knows and appreciates the best of both worlds as she grows up. Well here it is right berfore our eyes!!! Stay tuned next week for blue jeans and pearls!!!

Mom's Night Out

After being canceled once because of the weather, Mom's Night Out is finally here!!! I am afraid to admit how long it has been since I have done this. So tonight I am meeting four other mommy friends for dinner and Christmas shopping this evening and I cannot wait. Even though we see each other often (The Little Gym, Musical Munchkins, Playdates) it will be nice to have an adult dinner and not worry about sharing, lost sippy cups, and dirty diapers!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

First Cup of Hot Cocoa

The Barefoot Princess enjoyed her first cup of hot cocoa after playing in the snow the other day. She loved the hot cocoa, but as you can see was not to sure about the marshmallows.

Enough Already!!

Ok, I have had enough winter and it has not officially begun!!! We missed a Christmas party at our friend's house yesterday because of the ice and snow. The Barefoot Princess looked adorable in her red smocked dress and red velvet mary janes and then we had to break the news to her that because of mother nature she could not go to the party and would not be able to see her friends. BP's Daddy and I were just as upset. We are so sorry Jenny, Tom and Gavin!!!
The picture above I took when BP was 4 months old and we heard a snow storm was on the way. That particular time we packed our bags and headed to the city for the weekend. It was beautiful to see New York covered in snow and we were able to enjoy it without the crowds. We snuggled into a beautiful hotel room near the park, ordered some sushi and watched Will & Grace reruns after walking all afternoon. I am sure when The Barefoot Baby is a little older we will do the same thing with again!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Osh Gosh B' Gosh!!!

Ok, so I admit to having I am having sooooo.... much fun dressing two little girls. I could not resist the matching pink and white striped overalls. Maybe because I had the same pair when I was little and maybe because overalls are perfect for The Barefoot Princess. They are so her! And who could resist them in the 0-3 month size. Our local outlet center has an Osh Kosh store and I have found that their clothes fit BP well, wash well and come in baby and toddler sizes!!! Yeah!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet Potato Fries have become a new favorite for The Barefoot Princess. She loves them and I am so happy because they are so healthy for her. I just cut them and place them on a baking sheet and then drizzle with EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Rachael Ray terms) then add a little salt and pepper and a little brown sugar (if you so desire). Place them in a 400 degree oven for 20 -25 minutes or so. BP dips them in a little ranch dressing, but they are good plain too. The perfect side dish with a burger or steak!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

For a Friend...

Blue House Mom this post is for just for you! I had to laugh when you put Munchkinetta's holiday picture from her first Christmas on your blog because The Barefoot Princess wore the same dress with the same chubby cheeks and a very similar look on her face. So funny to look back now isn't it? They grow too fast!!

Glitter Girl

Can you tell how much fun The Barefoot Princess is having? It seems she loves glitter as much as I do. It was always one of my favorite art supplies! Our house has glitter everywhere...I keep finding it on myself and The Barefoot Baby had a red sparkle on her cheek the other day, but it was definitely worth the mess to see the fun BP had with a little glue and glitter!

Peanut Butter Kisses

The Barefoot Princess and I made four dozen of these delicious little "tookies," as she calls them, the other night for a cookie swap at our Friday playdate. (Thanks to Nana for the matching aprons.) We came home from our playdate with three different types of cookies...chocolate chip, sugar with raspberry preserves inside, and chocolate nut bark. They were all delicious!!

My Three Girls...

The Barefoot Princess, The Barefoot Baby and Bitty Baby all dressed in matching shirts. Sizes 3T, 3months, and newborn respectively. BP thought this was way cool!!! I love the way BB is looking at her big sister in these pictures as if she already worships her!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

We knew in a moment it must be St. Nick...

Well not really... we were not sure who was in our driveway and at our doorstep last night at about 9:45. When BP's Daddy stuck his head out and said "hello??" our dear sweet neighbor answered back and we all laughed. She was trying to be all stealth, but we caught her. "St. Nick" left a package for The Barefoot Princess and The Barefoot Baby because today is The Feast of St. Nicholas. It was full of little treasures. BP really enjoyed the oranges and of course the purple tu-tu. I think "St. Nick" may have amde this??
I just want to say thank you to "St.Nicholas" and that The Barefoot Family is so happy and grateful to have such nice friends and neighbors who cherish traditions and creativity and who are so thoughtful and kind to others.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A New Barefoot Princess Favorite

The Barefoot Princess' new fav is Miley Cyrus better known as Hannah Montana. Remeber Billy Ray Cyrus? Yes, the achy breaky haert guy, for all those country western fans out there. Hannah is his daughter and has a show on the Disney channel. BP dances, claps and screams when this show comes on. The show is a little old for BP, but the music is fine. The Barefoot Princess may find a Hannah CD in her stocking on Christmas morning. Then she can listen to her favortie song "The Best of Both Worlds" all the time!
FYI- Hannah Montana tickets are SOLD OUT everywhere and very expensive on ebay. BP's Daddy tried to get tickets with no luck at all. It seems Miss Montana is quite the star right now and BP is not the only big fan of hers.


Santa is going to bring The barefoot Princess this board game. It will be her first board game. She knows her colors and can count to five with help so I think she may be ready for it. I loved this game as a child and was so excited when I saw it in the store. I am looking forward to many hours of Candyland with my Barefoot Princess.

Eight Crazy Nights!!!

Happy Hanukkah!!! or as my husband calls it "Eight Crazy Nights!!!" It is also called the "Festival of Lights" because one candle is lit each night for eight successive nights. The word Hanukkah means "dedication." The holiday is celebrated for eight days because after a battle with the Greek soldiers the Jews repaired their holy temple and wanted to celebrate. So they searched everywhere for oil to light their menorah and found they only had enough oil for a night. They used the oil and it miraculously lasted for eight nights.

The Barefoot Baby is Growing

She was one month this past Saturday and she has definitely put on some lbs. Maybe because she has been drinking 6ozs. of formula every three hours and she doesn't waste a drop. Those cheeks just keep getting bigger and they are oh so fun to kiss!! Thanks to Daddy for the adorable purple outfit in the bottom picture. He picked it out just for her when she was born.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bundled at the Beach

It was Monday December 3rd and while the snow / ice storm was blowing through back home we decided to extend our trip an extra day and play on the beach. Here are a couple pictures of BP and BP having fun on the beach.

Cape May Christmas

The Barefoot Family spent this past weekend in Victorian Cape May to kick off the Christmas season. It was beautiful, breathtaking and much warmer than back home! Here are some pictures from our trip. The Barefoot Princess is now "friends" with Santa. There was a great one at the fudge shop and she actually approached him and talked to him for the first time. When we took a walk the next morning she spotted all the Santas and I took pictures of them. It was like a treasure hunt for Santas. Stay tuned for for more pictures because we are going back to Cape May this weekend and BP is going to have breakfast with Santa!! I promise to take more pictures of the homes decorated for the holidays.