Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Result...

This is the result of a day of rolling, cutting, baking and decorating. We had a blast and could not believe how fast the day went. Thank you to my friend Judy and Mona for putting up with BP's meltdowns towards the end of the day. I have learned a very important lesson about skipping the nap. Also thank you to Judy for making the dough in advance which saved us some major time. What a great friend... I guess she new that the new mother could not handle too much. The cookies were delicious... Santa really enjoyed them!!!


Lilypad Mom said...

The cookies look yummy and the girls look so proud of themselves.

Buby + Bleu said...

Ooh, I wish I could taste these. They look delectable. I'm glad you and BP have such good friends... the girls always look so happy in their pics.