Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mommy Day

We let BP sleep in this morning and then she took a day off from school. She did not sleep well and we thought she may be coming down with a cold. She woke up feeling fine and was disappointed that she did not go to school (it was the first time she ever missed a day). I told her we were going to have a special "mommy day". Daddy had a very busy day ahead of him and is still working as I type. Everyday for BB is a "mommy day" but today BP was able to join in the fun. This is what we did...
Cleaned the first floor of our house (Second floor tomorrow, BP and BB are getting good with the Swifter)
Two loads of laundry
Played in the playroom
Baked banana bread
Showered and dressed
Music class from 10-11
Picked up the mail (still getting used to having a PO Box)
Delivered banana bread to Aunt Cynthia and wished her a speedy recovery
Returned home for lunch
One more load of laundry
Took a walk and played outside
Fed and visited with our bunny Hop (he has not seen much of the girls since it has been so cold)
Played in the melting (yippeee!) snow and enjoyed the sunshine on our faces
Had a snack
Got ready for ballet
Ballet from 4:30-5:15
Grabbed 3 quick slices of pizza after with two friends from BP's school who are also in her ballet class
Returned home for a warm bath, stories, and bedtime
7:00 BP and BB are sound asleep

For Allison

This barn made me think of you Allison. I snapped the picture today while driving by so you can add it to your barn collection. I know things have been insane for you lately and I want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

True Barefoot Baby

This trio of pictures captures the true spirit of The Barefoot Baby. And I believe spirit is the perfect word for that sentence because she has quite a spirit! Her smile is all sweetness and then she has that twinkle in her eyes (just like her father). She is lovable and innocent one minute and then when I turn my back she is standing on a chair. She has definitely brought quite a spark to our family. We love every bit of it and every bit of her. Oh, and as for the tongue shot...she is quite amazed by her tongue lately. Just a phase I don't want to forget. It will make us laugh to look back at that picture someday.
BB had her 15 month well visit last Friday and she weighed 26lbs 12 ozs. and was 34 inches long. She is very tall for her age. She is wearing size 3T clothes, some of BP's clothes from the Fall. I fear that she will outgrow BP very soon! She said good-bye to her bottle about a month ago and it did not phase her at all. We wish we could take the nukie away that easily. We are working on that now. BB is quite verbal and comes out with a new word or two each day. She loves animals, reading stories, and playing dress-up with BP. She has never watched TV, has no interest at all, not even Barney, who was BP's favorite at this age. This means she is on the go, non-stop all day long. She is a great cuddler at night though!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Banner Project

I posted about this project a couple weeks ago and here is my version I just finished the other night. I used Martha Stewart's bird stamps and green ink, which I found at Wal-Mart. I had no clue Martha had her stuff there. I chose three pretty pink and green fabrics and cut triangle with pinking shears. Then I sewed the trangles to pink seam binding. The last step was stamping the birds onto muslin triangles and sewing them onto the green triangles. The overall effect is fun and party-like and perfect for our playroom. Both my girls were giddy when they saw the banner hanging across the windows the next morning.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Something New...

I am trying something new with the blog. Just needed a little change. I really am into green with accents of yellow and red. I think it can be traced to the new house and the colors we have been using to decorate here. That and Spring being just around the corner. Let me know what you think. and if anyone knows how to get some color behind the Barefoot Princess blog title...please clue me in. Do I need photoshop? Help!!!
Oh, and I was thinking today that The Barefoot Baby is not so much of a baby anymore, or will not be for much longer. We are seriously appraching toddlerhood. What am I going to do then? So much to think about in blog land...


The Barefoot Baby recieved these Melissa & Doug blocks for Christmas from her Uncle Matt and Aunt Nicole. BB and BP played with them ALL weekend. They provided hours of building fun for the girls and us too. Well, building for BP and knocking down for BB. (Thanks Matt and Nicole) I cannot tell you how much I LOVE all the Melissa & Doug toys. Made right in CT, and often made of solid wood, these toys will last forever. You cannot go wrong with Melissa & Doug.

Geography Songs

I would love this Geography Songs CD for BP too. She walks around singing "the continents" song ALL THE TIME, and I think she would enjoy this also. Plus it would give us a little variety...change is good.
It is $22.95 from
I heard about this CD from The Pioneer Woman's blog (one of my favorites). She says the songs are catchy and very educational, not at all annoying. I believe her...she is a homeschooling mom of four. God bless her!!!

Handwriting Without Tears

After helping BP with about 25 Valentine's cards, I could not help but look for the handwriting program I used to use when I taught Kindergarten. It is called Handwriting Without Tears and it also has a Pre-K program. Yippeee! I think BP will enjoy learning handwriting this way, meeting the magic C bunny, and building letters with the wooden pieces. I have some extra materials in my teaching boxes in the basement. I have to order her a writing book and we will be all set. Handwriting Without Tears is fun and painless for children, parents, and teachers. I would reccommend it to anyone.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ballerina in Bogs

The Barefoot Princess had her first ballet class on Wednesday. She has been talking about being a bellerina for months, basically telling anyone that would listen about starting ballet. She was leaping with excitement and could not wait to put on her leotard, tights, and Bogs...later little pink slippers. Her BFF from her pre-school class is in her ballet class and also five other little girls from other classes at her school. She was giddy with excitment when Miss gretchen dismissed her.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love to do this...

I love to do this and I have not done it in a while.
Same time same year makes a huge difference.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Piggy Jammies

The Barefoot Baby's most favorite thing in the world right now, next to her white blankie of course, is her piggy jammies. I hide them. She finds them. She whips them out of the dirty laundry. She opens drawers until she finds them. If she sees them in the wash while I am switching from the washer to the dryer she cries for them. She carries them around the house until we put them on. They make her smile and she would wear them all day everyday if we let her. Oh, and she likes to wear them like a cape. See picture above for explanation.

Design Inspiration

Our new dining room needs desperate help, and to be honest the rest of our house fell together so easily, I am at a loss with the dining room. I am looking for some key pieces of furniture, old dry sink for a buffet, key west wicker chairs, a great chandlier, etc..., and am hoping some Spring antiquing will help with these things. I want the room to be a formal dining room in a laid back country way. I found a little more direction on Saturday night at Sorellino. (I am always obserivng design and decorating. It is a sickness I tell you...a disease. I cannot help myself.) I fell in love with the light fixtures and I think something similar to this on a slightly smaller scale would be perfect for our dining room. If you have ever seen something like the above light fixture please let me know where. Also, I loved how they used chicken wire on the doors to the wine cabinets. I may incorporate that somehow into the room. Oh, and I am thinking the wall color will be sometihng in the raspberry family. Any other suggestions for our dining room??? Please help!!!


We just returned from our annual Boston / visit Uncle T weekend. Saturday night we all went to dinner together. Uncle T picked a wonderful VERY chic Italian restaurant not too far from our hotel. The ambiance was over the top. Think dark, candle light, white leather chairs, rich woods, lots of beautiful people, VERY, VERY trendy. Not the typical place we would bring BP and BB, but we survived. They brought their manners with them that night. There's always a chance one may forget them. The food was delicious from the girls' pasta to my salmon, and especially Daddy's death-by-chocolate dessert. Great pick T! Can't wait to see what next year brings...

Make Way For Ducklings

Thursday, February 5, 2009

1st Ski of 2009

We have a little ski mountain about ten minutes from our new house. Perfect for BP and perfect for learning to ski. Her boots still fit from last year and she was "cited" to hit the slopes with Daddy last Saturday. They met Aunt Cynthia, James, and Mama on the slopes. BB and I came later to keep Papa company in the lodge.

Cabin Fever?

This is one game we play to keep the cabin fever away.

BB's Playdate

BB is 15 months old and she officially had her first playdate. What kind of mother am I? is running through my head. BP had about 50 playdates by this age. The second child really does get jipped! Sorry Matt.
Anyway, it was all about babies at this playdate. We had Logan, Miss Brynn, Baby Luke, and Baby Emily over for lunch and fun. I got my baby fix and for the first time did not feel the urge to make another as I admired all their teeny tiney features and smelled their baby smell. BB got to play with people other than her big sister, which was really nice, and Amanda, Keri, and I were able to catch up. It had been much too long since our last get together. We are so glad to be closer to them now that we moved. At the end of the day while BB and I drove to pick up BP I could not help to think that between the two families there are 7 children from age 3 to 1 month and they are so lucky to be able to grow up together, but watch out when they are in their teens. What will we do then???

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My World

Welcome to my world...

where you can find sparkles from shoes like this all over our house
where babies and tutus are scattered about
where tears roll over uneven cereal distributuion (I kid you not)
where whining is a second languge
where daily I think I may have a ticket to the Oscars in the future (BP)
where Taylor Swift is a hero (please let her not make any bad judgement calls)
where costume changes happen in the blink of an eye
where we play "kiss me up" (kiss me and wake me up like Prince Phillip in Sleeping Beauty)
where life is fun, fancy, and free!