Thursday, February 5, 2009

BB's Playdate

BB is 15 months old and she officially had her first playdate. What kind of mother am I? is running through my head. BP had about 50 playdates by this age. The second child really does get jipped! Sorry Matt.
Anyway, it was all about babies at this playdate. We had Logan, Miss Brynn, Baby Luke, and Baby Emily over for lunch and fun. I got my baby fix and for the first time did not feel the urge to make another as I admired all their teeny tiney features and smelled their baby smell. BB got to play with people other than her big sister, which was really nice, and Amanda, Keri, and I were able to catch up. It had been much too long since our last get together. We are so glad to be closer to them now that we moved. At the end of the day while BB and I drove to pick up BP I could not help to think that between the two families there are 7 children from age 3 to 1 month and they are so lucky to be able to grow up together, but watch out when they are in their teens. What will we do then???


Amanda said...

We had a great time and loved your new place. Thanks for the great hospitality. I'm going to borrow that pic for my blog. We have to get together again soon.

Julie said...

I feel the same way you do, Van is totally jipped in so many ways.
:( but it is crazy isn't it, when I think, 'how did the birthday party become 20 kids?' But when you look at playgroup and everyone adds a few more kids to their family, it's a lot! Very fun! And so great that BB got to play with kids besides her sister. My mother in law tells me that a lot, Van doesn't get to 'shine' when he is with Adam all the time. Poor little guy.

Buby + Bleu said...

So cute! I know what you mean... I was thinking the other day how special Buby's friends are to him. How close they all were before they were even 9 months. Bleu doesn't have that, but she does have constant entertainment from her brother. Glad you live near friends with lots of itty bitties.

Poley said...

I'm such a slacker I've been meaning to post a great big thank you for lunch and for having us over. We love your house! Cannot wait to get together again with everyone...the kids are all getting big so fast.