Monday, May 31, 2010

4 Months

Baby C is 4 months old already! Yikes!
At the doctor's today she weighed 17 lbs 11 ozs.
26 + 3/4 inches long
97% for height + weight
She is starting to roll over
Likes to eat rice ceral
Loves to watch + laugh at her big sisters
Still sleeping in her bassinet, but just fits
Constantly chewing on her hands + drooling all over everything + everyone
Smiles + talks all the time

Friday, May 28, 2010

Little Reader

We have a little reader in the house! So exciting for her + us too.
Mom confession #1 After teaching for 5 years + spending two years to get my reading specialist cert. I promised myself when BP was born that I would not be one of those "teacher moms." You know the ones I am talking about. So I never pushed the reading or anything else. If she showed interest, I went with it. But the other just clicked and it brought tears to my eyes. I was / am so very proud of her. As for BB + Baby C, I promise to take the same laid back approach.
Mom Confession #2 BB really needs to work on her letters. I just have not had the time that I had with BP. But I have to say that BB could take apart our vacuum if given the chance + then reassemble it. That girl has a mechanical mind. The other day my cell phone froze so I gave it to her to fix, and she did!

Official Summer Kick-off

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
(photo from Martha)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Future Prom Date???

This little guy is so sweet + such a charmer. I am sure he will be a gentleman + Baby C has our permission to ask him to her senior prom someday! I will warn her that he's a talker!!! They played on a quilt under a shady tree the other day for hours. Sometimes holding hands, talking to each other + swatting at toys.

Ballet Recital

Not sure if you can see but the thrid ballerina from the left is BP. Her recital was last Sunday and they danced to the sweetest little song "When I Wear My Magic Tutu." They were all adorable, brave, excited, graceful visions in pink. BP loved the braid they put in her hair and the special tutu. She also like the flowers Nana + Pop-Pop brought her + the celebration at Benji + Jake's (our fav pizza place) with her BFF after.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Yes we have a teether in the house!

Little Lady

We thought BP could handle Mama's retirement party this past Saturday night. In so many ways she is a little lady now. Here she is getting ready in our bedroom. She wore a "Parisian scenes" dress with patent leather ballet slippers and a string of pearls she borrowed from Aunt Cynthia. She knew it was a special night and was on her best behavior. I think she looks a little like Shirley Temple.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday White

Aaahh...the simple clean look of white. So easy on the eyes, refreshing + appealing. Then add texture, neutral wood grains, or pops of color and it really works!
On a seperate note: I love the bunk beds above...I can see our three girls gigling at bedtime in beds like these. Putting this picture in my file box just in case.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Playdate #2

Another little friend of Baby C's. She is a popular girl :) We will call him Little B + he was born a few weeks before Baby C. He happens to be the little brother of BP's longtime friend Munckinetta. But back to these two cuties. They laid on the big yellow quilt and totally interacted with each other. They were smitten + it was adorable! Check out their matching cheeks...

New Dos

BP and BB are both sporting new hair dos. We took an overnight trip to Brooklyn last week with a list of to do"s + must sees + Lulu's was at the top. It's a special children's hair salon / toy store. What a combo! More to come on our little adventure...

Little Mommies