Friday, May 28, 2010

Little Reader

We have a little reader in the house! So exciting for her + us too.
Mom confession #1 After teaching for 5 years + spending two years to get my reading specialist cert. I promised myself when BP was born that I would not be one of those "teacher moms." You know the ones I am talking about. So I never pushed the reading or anything else. If she showed interest, I went with it. But the other just clicked and it brought tears to my eyes. I was / am so very proud of her. As for BB + Baby C, I promise to take the same laid back approach.
Mom Confession #2 BB really needs to work on her letters. I just have not had the time that I had with BP. But I have to say that BB could take apart our vacuum if given the chance + then reassemble it. That girl has a mechanical mind. The other day my cell phone froze so I gave it to her to fix, and she did!


Poley said...

I thought about you yesterday when I saw that the Monticello almost 14 yr old boy was a graduate of BPs school...BP is VERY BRIGHT! Isn't it nice giving our first born children a book and saying "hear read this to your sisters?". You can totally tell that BB has a mechanical mind. That will come in handy when she marries my boy (who ADORES her)

Julie said...

This is so funny! I could have posted the same exact thing! I think as teachers it's really hard not to be in that 'teacher mode'. At least for me anyway. And Van is just a different beast (in the literal sense :) ) than Adam. He marches to his own beat. I TRY to do the letters with him, but he just doesn't have the desire as Adam did. He's my artist I think. :)

Lilypad Mom said...

Great job BP