Monday, December 10, 2007

Peanut Butter Kisses

The Barefoot Princess and I made four dozen of these delicious little "tookies," as she calls them, the other night for a cookie swap at our Friday playdate. (Thanks to Nana for the matching aprons.) We came home from our playdate with three different types of cookies...chocolate chip, sugar with raspberry preserves inside, and chocolate nut bark. They were all delicious!!


allison said...

My husband inhaled the peanut butter cookies and told me that it's just fine for all of us to be friends for a long time. It's okay with him!

Lilypad Mom said...

The peanut butter kisses were delicious, I think LP's dad got 1, maybe 2 and I ate the rest.

Buby + Bleu said...

I LOVED your cookies! We all did. We're big peanut butter fanatics around here. Thank you for making a favorite. And those aprons are adorable!!

Buby + Bleu said...

You're going to need to order another mini apron for BB for next Christmas, so all you girls match.