Friday, February 22, 2008

A Bunny a Day...

Easter is exactly one month from tomorrow...So each day from now until Easter I will feature a bunny on our blog, well maybe not on the weekends.
Today's bunny is a pink marshmallow creation from and if you are real courageous you can go to her website and try to make it. Unless you are faithful to the traditional Easter Peeps!
I just thought it was simple and cute...a good way to start off the Bunny Posts! Stay tuned for more.


allison said...

Oh, I just love you and your ideas! Adorable. Love bunnies. I found a cute book about Easter bunnies at Borders, yesterday. I'll show you when I see you again. Did you see the bunny-in-a-basket at Chasing Fireflies? I'm so tempted...

Poley said...

Easter already??? I guess I better start scouting easter outfits for my kiddies--lov the bunny idea

Buby + Bleu said...

I can't believe how fast Easter is coming! We celebrated it so big last year we have A LOT of ornaments and books and things already. Of course, I will be buying Peeps for myself!!