Saturday, May 30, 2009

While Daddy is Away...

Mommy breaks the rules just a little bit. Daddy is on a little golf / business trip and we miss him so very much. He normally helps with the bedtime routine. I have found that putting the girls to bed alone is quite a challenge. My solution: We all snuggle into BP's bed, and when BB is fast alseep I move her into her crib. Tonight I took a quick picture of them.


Buby + Bleu said...

What an adorable shot!! They must love cuddling together.

You're so lucky Daddy's usually there at bedtime to help. Bedtime can be tricky with two. Since it's just me M-F I don't try to put them down at the same time. Bleu and I read books with Buby in his room and then say goodnight to him between 7:30 and 8 most nights. Then she and I go back downstairs for her bath and some one-on-one time. B/c she's still on two naps a day she can easily stay awake and play with me until 9:30 or 10. That way she gets to see Tom, too. Then we go up together, I nurse her, put her in her crib, and she's down for the count.

Poley said...

So sweet! What a great pic (Dyl would call it "Snuggle bug")