Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday Funday

On Sunday our friends braved the snow storm and came for a visit. I give them a lot of credit. I always knew they were adventurous, but they really impressed me this time. The roads were snow covered and slippery. Not to mention our road and our driveway had yet to be plowed. We met them for breakfast in our little village and then came back to our house to catch up and sleigh ride. My friend Jenny (mom to Buby and Bleu, pictured above) is a much better photographer, so I borrowed some pictures from her blog. She is always camera ready and I can never seem to juggle 30 lbs. of BB and get my camera out safely, especially in the snow. Here are all the little snow bunnies enjoying the 10 inches of fresh powder that surprised us on Sunday. Buby and BP were all smiles while speeding down the hill.
Oh, and the top pic I think is our road? Jenny, is it? I love this shot!

1 comment:

Buby + Bleu said...

It's the road as we were leaving your house. It's such a beautiful area I couldn't help but snap a photo even through my dirty windshield.

Talk about adventurous, we were VERY impressed with your hubby's driving. He plowed his way right through that snow.

And by the way, I've dropped my camera in the snow twice already this season and in the river once last year. Completely submerged. Tom has disected it, left it on the table to dry, and put it back together. Miraculously, it works again. I call him McGuyver. He can fix anything.

We loved our visit. We will be inviting ourselves again very soon. I liked your egg hunt idea... you should do that. Or the pig roast idea for summer. Mmmmm.