Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tonight I Love...

1. The sunset I saw outside my kitchen window while making dinner.
2. Breakfast for dinner. We had pancakes with REAL maple syrup and fresh fruit. Delicious!
3. Catching BP and BB playing together. (Now that BB is a little older this has been happening more often.) BP was the teacher and BB was the student, and BB was actually listening and following directions.
4. LAUNDRY. We got our new washer and dryer and they are installed (Thanks Matt and Nicole). I am on my seventh load for today. I am in heaven!
5. The smell of two freshly bathed babies as I rocked and snuggled them to sleep tonight.
6. The beep of my phone as my sweetheart texted me that he is on his way home. He had a late night tonight.


Buby + Bleu said...

I spent Monday doing 8 loads of wash. I separate everything.

Your view is amazing...

We do breakfast for dinner once a week here. We are all breakfast people.

I can't wait for Buby + Bleu to play together. Right now it's still so iffy. He pulls a toy out from under her and she falls and cries. I think a few months will make a big difference. I'm looking foward to that.

Julie said...

It's so cute that they have started to play together. i Love that adam and Van do that too. Yesterday at Child's Play Adam was always wondering where Van was and calling him to do stuff, it was funny. Adam doesn't get though that sometimes Van doesn't WANT to do what Adam is doing. I love the sibiling relationship though, it is for sure a special one.