Monday, September 29, 2008

Rain Hike

We could not take being stuck inside a second more on Saturday so we went for a hike. In the rain. In the fog. In the mist. The weather did not matter. It was fun.
It turned out to be a strenuous hike and we had to leave the stroller behind and BP had to hike down and up a mountain. She was a real trooper and did not complain once. She was just a little worried that the stroller would be where we left it. BB had the easy job of watching from her backback. Daddy had the hard job of carrying all of BB's 26 lbs on his back. He was a trooper too! Wish we had time for hike everyday.


Julie said...

What a nice family outing! I feel the same way you to do, I sometimes honestly look forward to rainy days but after a few days of it, the boys just can't handle themselves anymore, they NEED to be outside. Way to go for making the best of things!

Buby + Bleu said...

Gorgeous shots! I'm glad you all got out in the rain for this. Who made BP that blanket? It's so her. BB is adorable as always.