Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring is Here!!!

I know it is Spring when I hear The Barefoot Princess' tractor zooming around outside. It was finally nice enough to spend some time outside and BP has been asking for her JD tractor, which we store in the basement for the winter. It has been about six months since she has ridden her tractor and I have to say, first, her driving skills have improved immensely and second, she is much more brazen on it this year. She jumps on and takes off, announcing that she is going to the nursery. Yesterday, as she drove off she told me, "I am spraying cow poopies, mommy." (We see the local farmer doing this sometimes and I explained it to her once.) She cracks me up!
While BP drove all over, The Barefoot Baby played in her Baby Einstein and got some fresh air too. Check out those thighs... I find them so adorable, but hey, if mine looked like that, it would not be so cute! What is up with the double standards in our society?


Buby + Bleu said...

I can see the kids REALLY fighting over the tractor this year. Last year Buby wanted to drive it at your playdates and the girls were mostly cool with that. But I think this year they'll all be more brazen. They all want to be in the driver's seat now. Ha! BP has the coolest fashion accessories, by the way. LOVE the raincoat and the boots. And BB's thighs. Way cute.

Amanda said...

Love, love, love the thighs - I bet you just want to eat them up!! I love how BP is posing in the top picture - the boots are the perfect accessory!!

allison said...

Those thighs are one of my favorite things to look at. And BP's outfit is gorgeous. I guess I'll have to watch out for a speedy JD when I come visit!

Lilypad Mom said...

I love BP's raincoat, I was jealous of it at Little Gym last week. I can't stop laughing about spraying cow poopies!