Friday, February 1, 2008

Off to Boston...

(image from flickr)
We are off to Boston for a weekend of fun and to visit Uncle T. So this morning I read 'Make Way For Ducklings' to The Barefoot Princess and The Barefoot Baby. BB fell asleep during the story, but the BP is very excited to see the ducklings and their mommy in the commons. She is also looking forward to swimming in the hotel's pool. I will take as many pictures as possible and post next week. Happy weekend to all!!!

(book available at


Buby + Bleu said...

Have a fabulous trip to Boston! I hope it's not any colder there than it is here. BP will love the heated pool!

allison said...

Hope your trip was a good one. Did you see the ducklings? They are one of my favorite things about Boston!