Friday, February 1, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness

(image from flickr)

Our theme for the month of February is going to be Random Acts of Kindness. We (The Barefoot Princess, The Barefoot Baby, and I) are going to try to do one Random Act of Kindness each day for the entire month of February. I figure this will be a nice lesson in kindness, giving and sharing for BP. I want her to learn how it feels to give and not always receive (especially after the holidays). So we will do things like make a card for someone special, visit the nursing home, bring paper towels and doggie treats to the local dog sheltar, bake for a neighbor and things like this. I decided to not post individuallly about each act and to only mention this once because I think it is also important for BP to learn how to be an 'unsung hero.' So we are going to try to do all these acts very quietly and enjoy the gift of giving!!!!


Buby + Bleu said...

It's a wonderful idea! And such a great lesson for the girls as they grow up.

allison said...

How very thoughtful of you. I'm sure you'll enjoy this month very much!