Monday, February 4, 2008

Celebrity Sighting!!!

While strolling down Newbury Street in Boston this past weekend we spotted this babyface former American Idol contestant walking in front of us. We debated whether it was really him for a couple of blocks before my very outgoing husband simply asked him to confirm for us. John Stevens said yes, shook his hand and we continued on our way. He was one of my favorites from all of the American Idol shows and I remember him being the youngest contestant to make it to the final round at age 16. It is always fun to spot a famous face... I will have to do a post about the time we spotted Paris Hilton in NYC and wound up in the same restaurant having lunch with her that day!!!


allison said...

I can't believe you recognized him! I liked him a lot, too, but I'd completely forgotten all about him. No way could I pick him out on a street. Good for you! Is he still singing?

allison said...

Oh, and please do tell us about your Paris Hilton experience!

Buby + Bleu said...

I don't remember this dude. Yeah, did you ask if he's still persuing his dreams?