Thursday, January 17, 2008

Barefoot Baby Stats...

(photo from flickr, although I wish I had a scale like this.
I think it would look cute in the girls' room)

The Barefoot Baby had her 2 month well visit today and she shocked us all with her size. She is 13 pounds 6 ounces and 24 inches long. She is in the 95th precentile for height and weight, whatever that means. As long as she is healthy!!! All the sleep we lost when we brought her home from the hospital a month early and at 5 pounds 10 ounces was unnecessary considering she more than doubled her birthweight in two months. So our very sweet pediatrician pointed out to me today that babies normally double their birthweight by 6 months. Oh boy, BB!! I know she loves to eat and has been drinking 7 ounce bottles 7 times a day, yes, that means she eats every three hours without fail, and acts like she is famished when it is time to eat again and never spits any formula up. So I asked the big question... "Is she eating too much?, do we need to cut back a little?" And our Dr. said, "Just try to cut back on the nighttime feedings, with the goal being to cut out the nightime bottles completely and get BB to sleep through the night. We are going to give this a try. I will keep you posted...
Oh, and The Barefoot Baby did not appreciate the needles she was stuck with today. I will never forget her cry or the lower lip quiver when she got her shots today. The Barefoot Princess kept hugging her and telling her it was ok. I had tears in my eyes because of BB's cries and BP's kindness!


Lilypad Mom said...

I don't blame BB, I still want to cry when I get shots too. But what a wonderful big sister she has to comfort her.

Great job on the growing BB!

Buby + Bleu said...

Oh, it breaks my heart to see the lower lip quiver. Glad BB is so healthy and thriving! I know how she feels... I need to eat every 3 hours, too, or I get cranky.

Poley said...

Oh BB you are the same size our Big Guy was at that age!!! Nothing better than chubby babies, I mean look at those cheeks!!!!! What a wonderful big sister BP is. I'll have to give her a big squeeze for being so nice ( grateful BP didn't go after the dr after shots....our big brother was slightly overprotective at that first shot appt--FYI he doesn't go with us anymore--lol)

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Julie, I don't know why I can't log in to leave comments. I am having trouble. Anyway, I can't believe how big she is! That is awesome though. And I love how BP is so protective. You are much braver than I, Chip has to go with me when it is shot time. Van didn't double his weight until 6 months and still will only take 6 ounces! Isn't it funny how they are all different? And BB isn't big now at all.

allison said...

Glad to hear BB is progressing so nicely! I'd expect no less.

Amanda said...

Wow - BB is surely making up for how little she was at birth. You must spend all day feeding her. She will turn out just fine I'm sure. At least she shows she's healthy!! Can't wait to see her again.