Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gone Fishing...


I always enjoy great interior design, but I love when I come across something I like, and then read a little and find out it is in my backyard. So fun! Being just 2 hours from NYC, we have an abundance of very cool homes hidden in the mountains here. Like this amazing "fishing shack" above that was featured in the New York Times. The before + after pictures were shocking. It is the home of Melanie Brandman, a world traveler + PR guru. Not sure about you, but I would love a nap in that daybed above, or to host a cocktail party at the outdoor dining space overlooking the lake. I want to go fishing here!

(All photos by Randy Harris of the NYT)

1 comment:

Poley said...

Beautiful! I like the patio--I'm trying to convince my husband that we need a deck very similar to that one (no luck though)