Friday, November 20, 2009

Laundry Baskets

We don't need new toys for Christmas...BP and BB are happy with laundry baskets. It amazes me how many different games they can create with just a simple laundry basket. Oh and Daddy too!


Buby + Bleu said...

wow! they look so sweet in that basket. what fun. i know what you mean about the toys.... our kids don't need a single thing. maybe a few new books that our library doesn't have, but the rest of the time they are making their own fun with blankets or blocks or using me as a jungle gym. pretending the carpet is the ocean and we have to save each other. giving rolled-up rug rides. so much better than a new toy.

Amanda said...

This is a favorite around our house too. Funny how you can spend tons of money on toys and it's the simple things they truly enjoy!!

Poley said...

do you remember doing this at Kindermusic? Dylan is way to heavy to pull around but the girls love it :) Their imagination at this age amazes me...