Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday BP!

BP had school on her birthday again this year. This is so exciting when you are turning 4! On Friday she could not wait to celebrate with her teachers and friends. The day before we made applesauce together and banana muffins. The next morning we all took her to school for her special day. BB sang "Happy Birthday to You!" all day long and is still singing it. Afterschool she opened her presents from us. We stuck to horse theme this year with a bucket of grooming supplies, a lead rope, a horse game, and a Breyer horse. As you can see from the picture above she was thrilled!


Poley said...

What a beautiful little lady you are growing up to become! Hope you had a fantastic and FUN birthday!

Buby + Bleu said...

So cool!! Happy bday girl! It is so much fun to watch you grow from baby to big girl. We're so proud of you.