Thursday, October 8, 2009

Barefoot Princess Times Three

So after another ultrasound to get more pictures of Baby G #3 (not very cooperative the first time) we have confirmation that Baby G is a little girl. Yes...three girls! And we could not be happier! So that means more glitter, constant chit-chat, dress-up, playing horses and babies, and even more whining. It also means we can reuse all of our baby clothes, I don't have to add some blue to our already pink and green playroom, and decorating another little girl's room is on my mind. I am thinking something like the picture above with that really soft celery green color and some hints of soft pink. I fell in love with the three piece crib set in the picture from Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic line. Once again God bless my ever sweet and patient husband. He got his wish! Wait until they are 14, 16, and 18!!!

At my regular check up yesterday the doctor said everything looked great and our little one is extremely active. I have been feeling her move like an olympian lately in my belly. Which is probably why it took two ultrasounds to get all the pictures they needed.


Julie said...

Congrats!! I am sure they will all be great friends!

Buby + Bleu said...

So so happy for you guys. I can't think of a better dad of girls than Eric. And like I said, your place is already fit for a princess... TIMES THREE.

We should get together soon before it gets too cold. You doing any flat hiking?

Poley said...

There's nothing more fun then decorating a baby's room!!! I went with green all three pregnancies too... i have to admit Emmes room is my favorite with the green AND pink!!! Oh your hubby is in for a treat with 3 young ladies running around (Papa too)!