Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swimming Lessons

BP wrapped up a Summer of swimmng lessons with Miss Danielle last week. She and Daddy went to the last lesson together and said good-bye. She took two lessons each week for a half an hour and made major progress. She went from clutching Danielle around the waist and neck to confidently moving about in the shallow water by the end. In the beginning she refused to get her chin wet or even kiss the water, and in the end she would dip her whole head in. She learned to float on her back and stomach and kick solo with the kickboard. She started to paddle and kick alone in the last few weeks. By August Danielle would say after each lesson, "I cannot believe it is the same kid in the water!" This was all we wanted to hear. We did not sign her up to be the next Michael Phelps, but to gain confidence and some basic swimming skills. Next year Danielle is unfortunately leaving us for med school (what a slacker!), but both BB and BP will take swimming lessons at our town pool. On a side note...I loved this pool this Summer. BB and I would swim during BP"s lesson and then for about an hour after we all would. It was warm, but refreshing, and it miraculously cured the morning sickness for the couple hours we were in it!

1 comment:

Poley said...

Great job BP! Swimming was a major accomplishment in our household too! Next year they will both be pros teaching the baby how to swim the following summer