Friday, January 9, 2009

Cous-Cous Dinner in a Pot

This was originally a Weight Watchers recipe that I altered a little to suit the needs of The Barefoot Family. I highly recommend it. It is quick, like five minutes, tasty, and very healthy.

I bring a cup of orange juice (any kind), two tablespoons of EVOO, and the cous-cous seasoning mix (optional) to a boil in a sauce pan
Then add the cous-cous (one box store bought), stir, and remove from heat
Also add a handful of craisins, yellow raisins, slivered almonds, and 1 cup of roasted chicken breast (I recommend the kind you buy right in the store, it's easy and saves so much time), stir all ingredients together, and cover with lid
Let the ingredients sit for five minutes and then fluff everything with a fork
Grate fresh Parmigiano Reggiano on top and ta-da (as BP would say) you have a healthy, delicious meal in no time at all.
You can also add green onions sliced very thin for extra flavor and color

My girls love this dish and I know when they are whiny and starving which happens quite often, you should be in our house at around 5:00, this is my best bet for dinner.

EVOO= Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Points Value= 6 points + chicken add 2 points (for anyone who cares about points)


allison said...

I really might like this one. I haven't had a couscous meal that I loved, but I think the juice and roasted chicken would make it delicious. Thanks for sharing.

Buby + Bleu said...

I'll have to pass this one to my mom. She's on Weight Watchers and has already lost 39 lbs. I don't like cous-cous myself, but Tom does.