Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Catching Up

I have been a total blog slacker. I apologize. I am very sorry. My excuse, besides the craziness of our move, is that my camera battery died and I could not remember where I packed the charger. I found it today in one of the last few boxes that needed to be unpacked. I was determined after looking on and seeing the price of a new charger. Anyway, here are two of my favorite pictures from Christmas. I wish I had more, but my camera battery died Christmas morning. That will teach me to have a back-up battery.


Lilypad Mom said...

They are both beautiful. I can't believe how old BB looks in her picture. Do we get to see pictures of the new house soon?

Buby + Bleu said...

Great photos! I cannot believe BB either. She's growing up so sweet, like her sister.