Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Two Cents...

After watching the debate last night I cannot hold back any longer. I promise this will be my one and only politically related blog post. For what is it worth here is my two cents...

I am all for an OBAMA / PALIN administration. Ok, I said it and got it out there. My mom is celebrating and my father-in-law is cringing right now. I just wish we could vote for President and Vice President on two different tickets. I think Obama and Palin would be a great team. Sort of the opposites attract kind of team. That would be true checks and balances in my mind. I think Sarah Palin would keep him in line, make sure his ego does not get too big, and hold him to his word because she is a "maverick ya, know?" And Obama would add some eloquence to her rougher side. Then John and Joe could blissfully enter retirement, where judging from McCain's performance last night he may be better off. Plus John McCain could enjoy his eight or is it nine homes he has? I have always been a major Elephant lover, so this is a huge change for me. Just a thought from my semi-researched mommy mind. Not realistic, I know, but hey desperate times call for desperate measures, right? This is going to be a tough decision for many. Good Luck!!!

Oh, and one more addition to my dream team...Michael Bloomberg. Love the guy and I think his financial expertise, and overall attitude toward politics and getting things done would benefit our world today.


Buby + Bleu said...

Ha! This made me smile. You know I watched last night, too. I've never missed a debate. It amazes me when people say they fell asleep or didn't even know it was on. This is IMPORTANT, people!! Why even cast a vote if it's an uninformed one. Anyway, I agree with your assessment of last night.

I'm a registered Republican and almost always vote party-line b/c of a few dealbreaker philisophical beliefs (like when life begins) and my fiscal conservatism. But this year I am crossing over for the top of the ticket. I am voting for Obama. And I am PSYCHED about it!! After A LOT of thought.. I just think he's the better of the two this year. We shall see. My father-in-law is cringing right now, too!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry.. I can't believe you would even consider voting for Obama...clearly you are not informed....

Hooked on the hopium...

laina kay said...

Hmmm... have to disagree. Obama is bad news. Sorry. Perhaps more research is in order.

Thanks for stopping at my blog! I appreciate the good wishes. It will be fun dressing up another baby girl though it's going to be complicated finding matching outfits for an 8-year old, a 5-year old and a baby. Aargh, I'm obsessed!

We love Ikea, too. I actually have beautiful wooden toddler chairs in my kitchen that I purchase unfinished at Mill Stores and painted to match. I adore them and will keep them for my grandchildren. So much nicer than boosters on a chair. I'm sure you agree!

Good luck with your research, hope you'll stick with the elephants...

Julie said...

I'm not sure what I think of Palin yet but I am with most of your friends, I DON'T like Obama. It's his history, too many bad things in my book. I think with McCain, at least you won't get any surprises. I am REALLY not a fan of universal health care either. I just feel like I can't trust Obama. But.... I think he is going to win.

Anonymous said...

Because someone disagrees with you, Anonymous, doesn't mean they are uninformed.

Lilypad Mom said...

You have to love when people assume you haven't done your research just because you don't agree with them. I'm always interested in hearing how other people view the candidates and what makes them choose one over the other, what issues are the most important to them, etc. LP dad and I can't even discuss politics with each other, our votes usually end up canceling each other out. It's not because one of us didn't do research, but the issues that are most important to us are different usually.

Anonymous said...

I certainly don't mind disagreement nor debate...but if you are voting for are clearly uninformed or you just don't care. You choose.