Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March Madras

Madras, a style I have always loved, is a trend this Spring! I bought this madras bag at J. Crew this past weekend and I intend to use it as a diaper bag as soon as the weather gets a little nicer. Fingers crossed that it will be very soon! Love the shorts too!


allison said...

I love that you just bought this bag...I have it bookmarked on the computer and keep coming back to it. I love madras. I had a pair of J. Crew green madras sneakers when I was a senior in high school and I thought I was so cool! I wore them every day. Where did you get the bag...were you in the store? Or online?

Alana Goldstein said...

I got the bag in the J Crew outlet. They have two different size bags. I got the smaller one b/c I am trying to simplify and carry less this Spring! I can just imagine madras sneakers. Very Cool!!!
They also have two different madras shorts and a dress there too!

Buby + Bleu said...

I'm loving the bag. And the dress sounds interesting!