Monday, January 28, 2008

Funny Words and Phrases...

Since the birth of The Barefoot Baby, The Barefoot Princess has become quite a talker. She went from a few words to full sentences and sometimes more in about two months. Yesterday in the car BP's Daddy and I looked at each other after about 45 minutes of non-stop chatter and said, "We wanted her to talk?" Then we laughed because her constant chitter -chatter is adorable and like I said CONSTANT. She is very good company and can carry on a great conversation and I would not change it for the world!!! Here are a couple of her funnier words and phrases that I have to post and print because I never want to forget these...

"Time Up" = Time Out

"Hop Ups" = Hiccups

"Snuggly Warm" = Extra Warm

"My Boops" = My Boots

"Wrap Her Over" = Wrap up my baby

"Huggies and Tisses" = BIG Hugs and Kisses

"Nallie Race" = The Barefoot Baby's Name

"Tommie" = Thomas The Tank Engine

"Tommies" = All the Other Engines (She does know their individual names, but uses this to refer to them collectively)

"Slaps" = Our Dog Flaps

"lishous" = Delicious

Phrases of the week...

"I would like..." (She uses this when she wants someting, like... "I would like a tractor or I would like a cow or I would like a baby cow")

"Nice to Meet You"

"Oh My Goodness"


Julie said...

I love it! Isn't amazing how much they start talking after the baby is born? Adam did the same thing. You are a smart chicki to have blogged it so you will always remember. I need to do the same. I was just thinking how Adam's CONSTANT sayings have changed over the few months. At first it was 'hold you' meaning he wanted us to hold him, then it was, whatareyoudoing? and now it's why, why why? :) THey change so fast it's hard to keep up huh? I love that last pic of her.

Buby + Bleu said...

Haha! When Buby says "Boops" he is talking about my boobs. Lately, he's been saying it a lot. Just reminding me they are here. And they are mine. I love this age of early talking. I can't wait to hear BP say "Oh my goodness."

Poley said...

"Tommies"--that's so funny! I cannot believe her language explosion since the last time I saw her. She's growing up so fast! Now her and Dyl can start discussing politics--just kidding

Amanda said...

These are adorable sayings. It's wonderful that she has so much to say to keep BB company.

Anonymous said...

Oh geeezz She is too cuteee

xoxYour God Daughter