Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fly Lady

My friend Judy just told me about and I checked it out today. It is all about organization, time management, uncluttering your life and just getting things accomplished. With a two year old and a two month old I can definitely use help with all of the above so I found Flylady very interesting, informative and helpful!!! My favorite rule of hers so far is 'Getting Dressed to the Shoes.' She says that if you wake up in the morning and shower, get dressed and put on your shoes you will accomplish more than if you lounge around in your jammies or sweats all day. I so agree with this!!! The Flylady has many other interesting ideas so check out her website and maybe you can become more fly too???


Poley said...

My friends totally swear by Fly Lady!!! Good luck w. her program!!!(I heard it makes you obessessd w. following her organizational plan)

allison said...

Judy is totally right about Fly Lady. I began *flying* back in December (or maybe it was November). It's easy to make it work for you and you can commit to being completely rigid or you can keep a more flexible style. I suggest getting the feather dusters and timers. Believe me, I certainly have weeks that are more FLY than others, but it's really easy to pick up where you left off. Talk to me about it anytime you'd like!