Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Island Camping

Daddy, BP and BB left this morning for a 3 day camping trip.  A great way to celebrate the first day of Summer. Baby C and I miss them terribly already.  It is VERY quiet here.  So quiet I actually have time to update the blog, which has not happened in weeks? So sorry... 
Here are some pictures they sent us.  They are camping on an island in the middle of a lake in the Adirondacks.  4 hours from home.  They brought our 16 ft. boat to access their campsite.  They will be sleeping in the lean-to pictured above. No potties, no showers, just the great outdoors, loons, float planes, and a little cell service.  I loved hearing their excited little voices when they checked in a couple hours ago.  Also love that Daddy wants to give them memories and traditions rather than "stuff".  Someday Baby C will join this new tradition. 


Mom/Nana/Kathie said...

He is a very special dad and they are lucky girls! Looks like a great place to make wonderful memories!

Buby + Bleu said...

Very cool for your girls. Eric is a good dad to take them :) And by the way, they look adorable in dresses and life vests.

I grew up tent camping with my parents at a property we owned on Keuka Lake. We went almost every weekend in summer. No bathrooms, no electronics. My brothers and I clung together like we were on Survivor, and they are some of my best memories today.

By the time we see the girls on Saturday they will be seasoned campers.

Jeri said...

What an adventure! What a Dad! I hope you post when they get home, so we can hear how it all went. Hugs to all.