Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It has become a big part of my life...again. For at least 15 years I have done yoga on and off. I try other forms of exercise and always go back to yoga. Recently I started again with my goals being: to lose my last 5 baby lbs, tone, relax, unwind, refocus, etc.. I discovered I need yoga now more than ever + everyday I find myself doing it in some shape or form. So of course BP + BB are curious about it. I started doing it with them + they love it. I have learned that children are naturals because they are so naturally flexible. The names of the poses are so kid friendly because many are animal related, so they pick it up so fast + remember the names. They love the yoga pants (pictured above) + the mats that they whip out for other activities also throughout our day. We even let baby C do the "Baby Cobra" pose on the mat for her tummy time. I think I may take them to a class someday as a special treat.

1 comment:

Buby + Bleu said...

Love the stances. I find yoga incredibly calming, but I haven't really done it since I was pregnant with Buby.

You know there are several yoga studios just for children popping up around here. One comes to Buby's school every week and does yoga sessions with the kids. Maybe you have one up there?