Friday, April 23, 2010

Name Change???

I think a name change may be in order, for this picture proves BB is no longer a Barefoot Baby, but more of a Barefoot Lady or Barefoot Beauty. What do you think? She tells everyone she is the middlest...and BP is the oldest...and Baby C is the littlest. I look at this picture and cannot believe she is going to be 2 and a half in a little over a week. She keeps us all laughing all day, everyday. She is so full of spirit. Her hair gets blonder and her skin tanner every second she spends outside. Lucky girl!

Check out her purple polka dot Cons...She really loves these!!! If you are ever looking for awesome Cons, try Zappos. They have every style and color imaginable.


Poley said...

I think Barefoot Beauty fits her perfectly! I love her spunkiness (in pure middle child fashion ;))--She is growing up so fast! Can you believe that our middle babies are going to pre school in less than 6 months????

Lilypad Mom said...

I think Barefoot Beauty is the perfect name for her.