Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Her nickname should just be Trouble. She finds it everywhere! She is into everything! She is absolutely exhausting!
But she is so darn cute. Each night I still rock her to sleep in my arms and she looks so peacful and innocent it is hard to believe the havoc she reeks in a 24 hour period. Ha!!!


Buby + Bleu said...

Look at that rascal face. Ha!! She has your number.

I'm in the same boat here with Bleu. She's a great listener during the day, but boy is she spirited. She wants what she wants when she wants it. And she's determined and smart and fearless. I know those are good traits for later on, but they scare the daylights out of me now.

Julie said...

I think it is a second born thing. Van is the same way, I think he is a beautiful child but holy cow is he a terror! BB is beautiful too. Love the cheeks, blond hair and blue eyes.