Friday, May 8, 2009

Precious Globe

BP found this old metal globe at an antique store the other day. She has this thing for globes, old and new, and the continents, oh and the continents song, which we all hear in our sleep. "Tell me the continents, Tell me the continents if you can.." Those who have heard it are laughing right now. Anyway, she had to have it and has been carrying it around ever since. (Until today when she went to school.) She put it on the table when we went out for dinner the other night. She clutched it as she fell asleep in the car. When she woke up in the middle of the night she asked for her globe as I carried her to our bed. She calls it her "precious globe."

1 comment:

Buby + Bleu said...

Maybe she will be a globetrotter when she grows up. That is too adorable. I don't know the globe song... you'll have to teach us. Ha.

I was obsessed with globes when I was a kid, too. I think I like all of Buby's maps and globes more than he does. I just like having them around.. as a reminder or possibilities.