Monday, April 27, 2009


Lately The Barefoot Princess has been asking a lot of questions. Some hard to answer, others even harder to answer. I want to remember this stage and the questions too. I thought a list would be here are a few of the more memorable ones from the past few weeks.

Yesterday in the car as we followed a dirty garbage truck with brown water splashing out of the back, "Mommy is that water polluted?" (They must be learning about this in school because I have never mentioned pollution to her)

The other day she asked, "How do babies get in the mommies bellies?" (I had been waiting for this one)

When we saw a homeless man..."Where is his house and family, mommy?" (A hard one)

As we stopped to say hi to our neighbors horses and the male horse started to urinate..."What is that?!?!?!" (Another hard one)

"Are dinosaurs warmblooded?"

"Mommy, do you know what the decimal layout is?" (something else from school that I have no idea what it is, and yes, I did teach the same age for a few years)

Sometimes I feel like there should be a reference book for some of these questions. Then I take a deep breath and do my best to answer her. I know some of my other reader friends have children the same age. Please share some of your questions with me. I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

Buby + Bleu said...

These are great. They never stop amazing us with their questions, do they? It's a fun age. I feel so dumb sometimes. This morning Buby was asking me why if he plants a stick in the ground it won't grow into a tree... but if he plants a seed it WILL grow into a plant. He also asks a lot of questions about the moon and stars that I can't answer... that's an interest of his.