Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fruit Trees

Saturday was "plant an orchard day" for The Barefoot Family. BF Dad gets some wild ideas, it is what we love most about him. He just doesn't get ideas, he actually follows through with them. The guy has some serious motivation! Anyway, he dug nine holes, planted eight trees (I have ot get one more this week), and then fenced them from the predators (deer), all in a day. I carried buckets of water to give them a drink and now we cross our fingers that we will have apples, pears, and cherries someday, the tags say this year. BP and BB were there to supervise the whole process.

1 comment:

Buby + Bleu said...

You're right... he has crazy ideas and follows through. And how wonderful is that for the girls!! I still remember the garden he built at your last house, and I can sort of picture a ginormous hay maze this October.