Sunday, July 13, 2008

8 Months

The Barefoot Baby is 8 months old.
Some of her favorites...
Being held, of course.
Chewing on her toes.
Clapping and waving.
Trying new finger foods.
Pulling herself up on anything and everything.
Holding, kissing, and chewing on BP's Bitty Baby.
Smiling at everyone all day long.
Talking, babbling, and screeching.
Crawling, but only backwards and side to side.
Snuggling her white silky satin blankie.
Splashing water, in the bath, in her babypool, or on the beach.
Watching and studying her big sister with awe.


Amanda said...

Happy 8 months BB (it's been 8 months already??!!??).

Lilypad Mom said...

Oh those cheeks~ I love them. How does BP handle BB chewing on Bitty Baby?

Buby + Bleu said...

That went fast. I remember when Buby and BP were just 8 months. Happy birthday girlie!!