Thursday, June 19, 2008

Potty Roadblock

The Barefoot Princess in picture #1, showing her beastly mood all morning because she has to go #2 and is afraid for some reason. We need help and advice on going #2 on the potty desperately!!! You would not believe the whining, crying, and drama all morning... until she finally just goes in her pants and then is so upset because she had an accident. Picture #2 was taken ten minutes later after all had been cleaned up... I found BP coaching Kirsten through #2 on the potty. I had to laugh because we had such a rough morning.
I have to look this up in my toddler books and on-line, but any help would be appreciated. She has mastered #1 on the potty, but this is a whole different challenge.


Buby + Bleu said...

Buby has had two #2 accidents since we started to really potty train (one at your house, one at Hannah's house--both times he was in someone else's playroom too focused on the new toys to speak up), but I think we're in the clear now. What worked for us was giving him privacy. I didn't realize all that time I stood there while he peed that he was too uncomfortable to poop with me starring at him. He went in one day and told me to stay out and closed the door... and success! We just go in after to assist. Also, Tom says Buby turned a corner when he told him to "toot" on the potty. #2 accidentally came out once and we celebrated big. So he remembers how focus on pushing now... just imagines he's tooting. Such a guy.

Julie said...

rdThis took a while for us too. Adam was never a fan of the 'potty' he liked to go on the toilet. He would be dry all day, and then when he had to go #2, we had to put a diaper on him. It was bad. When he went number one we always gave him a few mini m&m's and he loved that! so I figured out one day, to get 'special' poo-poo candy. They were like gummies or something. And whenever I went, I showed him and ate a candy. He thought that was wonderful and did it pretty soon after that. I don't know how you feel about the bribery/candy thing but it worked for us.

Lilypad Mom said...

Sorry, I have no advice, we're still working on sitting on the potty for anything. The only thing that's working at all in our house is the special pink princess potty.

Poley said...

Do you have a potty chart? Dyl was the EASIEST kid in the world to potty train once we had the potty chart. I made a column for each day of the week and whenever he went potty we gave him a sticker to put on the chart. When he had 15 stickers he got to go to the Dollar Store and pick something out. Hope that helps... We had a great time Saturday!!! Can't wait to do it again