Monday, June 16, 2008

Open House at BP's School

Ready or not... here IT comes... IT is pre-school for The Barefoot Princess. I don't think we will ever be ready, but she is excited and on Saturday we all attended her school's annual open house for new students and current students. Within five minutes of being there, BP took a header off the swings on the playground and blood pured out of her mouth. Thank heavens there was no major damage, just a little cut in her lip where her teeth hit. Needless to say, they will definitely remember her in September.
We were able to meet BP's teacher, who was a former student at the school. Then we took a hike and stopped at each of the six learning stations the classes had set up along the trail. We grabbed some ice cold water and chocolate chip cookies and played on the other playground until it was time to go. Oh, I almost forgot, BP and her Daddy checked out the school's garden and of course the chickens!


Lilypad Mom said...

BP's new school sounds wonderful, I am sure she is going to love every minute.

Amanda said...

Poor BP - glad it was just her lip. The school looks and sounds great!!

Buby + Bleu said...

Oh no... first the lip then the bee sting. Poor girl. I'll be right there with you missing my baby in September, but it sounds like BP's going to adjust so well and think of all the amazing experiences she'll have to tell you about at the dinner table.