Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hop on the Move

Here is The Barefoot Princess' new nightly ritual. Acutally anytime she goes outside she wants to put Hop in her John Deere and give him a ride. Recently she learned how to maneuver her tractor, so she is very independent now and very proud of herself. (She used to just push the gas and we would chase her around the yard to turn the wheel.) Flaps, or "Slaps" as she calls him, follows behind to make sure they are behaving. Hop is a very good sport about the whole adventure.


allison said...

I'm so proud of her for being able to steer now. She's quite independent! And I love that Hop just goes along for the ride. Your husband really picked a good bunny.

Buby + Bleu said...

You have the sweetest, cleanest bunny I've ever seen. So calm. I knew BP would take off on that thing eventually and never look back.