Saturday, November 24, 2007

Can You Tell?

I cannot get over how much our two little girls resemble one another. Can you tell which is The Barefoot Princess and which is The Barefoot Baby? Take a guess...


Anonymous said...

They are both beautiful! I do believe the pics are in "birth order".

Lilypad Mom said...

I'm going to guess and say that the first is Barefoot Princess and the second is Barefoot Baby (the angles are different so it's hard to tell but I think she looks smaller in the seat.) They are both adorable and really do look alike!

Anonymous said...

I think BP is on the bottom and Barefoot baby is on the top. They are sooo sweet and look sooo much alike it is INCREDIBLE!!!

Buby + Bleu said...

I'm going to guess 1st one is BB and 2nd one is BP. They do look SO MUCH alike though. It's amazing. 2 beautiful girls you have.