Monday, November 26, 2007

True Barefoot Princess

These two pictures capture the true barefoot Princess. When BP's Daddy saw these he said "I love these pictures! They are so her!" I could not agree more. I think it has something to do with the hat and the expression on her face. We were on our way to the park last week when it was a little warmer and I snapped these as BP ran to the car.


Lilypad Mom said...

Cute pictures! She looks like such a big girl in the first one.

Lilypad Mom said...

Cute pictures! She looks like such a big girl in the first one.

Buby + Bleu said...

Totally BP!!! The hat. The stare. Her stance in the second shot sort of says "I'm BP, and I'm ready for anything!" She's the adventurer.

Buby + Bleu said...

So which picture is BP and which is BB, by the way? In your last post, you made us all guess but didn't reveal the answer.

allison said...

Look at how she crosses her hands in the first photo. So cute. So posed! These are great pictures.