Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Winter Wear

I cannot believe it, but we found the cutest ski outfit for The Barefoot Princess at Cabela's. I know, normally known for hunting and outdoorsy stuff and rather manly gear, but Cabela's has a children's catalog too. We ordered a Columbia jacket, ski pants, mittens and a fleece for BP all in purple. I love the fleece upper the ski pants have and the jacket is ultra water proof and warm. Now all we need is a hat (Cabela's had cute ones, but they were all backordered) and boots. BP will be one stylish ski bunny and also prepared to play in the snow when we get our first storm!!

He's a natural...

"Uncle Mack" as BP calls him holding The Barefoot Baby last weekend. Definitely a natural, but no pressure Matt and Nicole. Ha Ha!!!

The Barefoot Princess Playing

Daddy captured these moments while The Barefoot Princess was playing last weekend. Look carefully at the first picture and take note of the cell phone in her pocket. I think these are priceless and I cannot wait to show her them when she is oh say ... 16!!!

When Daddy is in charge...

This is what happens!!!

A Little Love

I hope they are always this close!!!

Our Thanksgiving

The Barefoot Family celebrated Thanksgiving at BP's Great Aunt Cynthia and Great Uncle Charlie's beautiful home. We all enjoyed a delicious traditional Thanksgiving meal and of course dessert too! The Barefoot Princess loved playing with her big cousins James and Conner and could not get enough attention from them. Thank you James and Conner for being so patient with BP and James for reading to her. The Barefoot Baby slept the entire time just like BP did two years ago. I think BP's favorite part of Thanksgiving was the stuffed mountain lion that perches way above the fireplace in Cynthia and Charlie's house. At first she was petrified of it and then she wanted it to "tome down here." She kept telling everyone "down here" as if she wanted to play with it. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving and it seemed extra special because I had prepared myself for being in the hospital giving birth to BB on Thanksgiving since she was due around this time. It was so nice to have my family of four together on this holiday and that is what I was truly THANKFUL for!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Waldorf Day

The Barefoot Princess, Barefoot Baby and I spent a few hours at a Waldorf Preschool in our area today. I was familiar with the Waldorf style of learning and philosophies before our visit, but it was an enlightening experience to spend some time in the actual school setting. The best words to describe this preschool would be "very interesting". This type of school was started by an Austrian scientist and thinker Rudolph Steiner, who believed that when children relate what they learn to their own expereince, they are interested and alive, and what they learn becomes their own. There are over 900 waldorf schools in 40 countries and the very first was The Steiner School in NYC which opened in 1928. The Waldorf curriculum embraces a gentle connection with nature, music, art, stroytelling, rhythm, handwork with nautral fibers and learning. After spending time at the school today I realize that it is all about simplicity and connecting with the earth. I do not think that Waldorf is the right match for The Barefoot Princess, but I want to say as a parent and an educator I can definitely appreciate what the school is all about. My concern is that BP would not be prepared for the "real world" upon leaving a program like Waldorf because unfortunately our world today is so fast paced and competitive and Waldorf is so relaxed and simple. I think that combining the Waldorf style with a traditonal preschool would be the ideal match. Sort of the best of both worlds. If I only had more time to start a preschool of my own this is what I would do.
The Barefoot Princess surprised me and left my side to join the other children as soon as we arrived at the school. After that she never acknowledged my existence for the next two hours, but followed the teacher's directions or the other children as they went through their dalily activities. When it was time to leave she told me, "I stay go" and then when I went to pick her up because she would not come with me she told me, "back mommy!" BP should definitely be ready for preschool in the Fall...the question is will Daddy and I be ready to let go??? Probably not!!
Just a couple of notes on the Waldorf style that I noticed today and really liked...
1. No shoes allowed in the classroom. The children all have slippers that they keep at school and change into them when they arrive. This was right up BP's alley because we all know how she would much rather be barefoot!! She whipped off her shoes when the teacher asked us to and I had to stop her from taking off her socks too!
2. The toys are all simple and handmade allowing for more creativity and imagination during playtime.
3. The lunch / snacktime is all heathly / organic food. The little boy next to BP was eating cheese, crackers, and dried seaweed.
He also told me that The Barefoot Baby should really be breastfed when she woke up and demanded her bottle. I did not know what to say!
4. The school asks that the children wear simple clothes with no characters and I love this,,, no light up shoes!! As a teacher I always found these distracting too.
5. They spend a lot of time outside doing projects or just playing. This is right up BP's alley.
6. The teacher, Miss Cathryn, was very sweet and used the calmest tone when speaking to the children or redirecting them.
7. The children were happy, always a sign of a good school, and I liked how they helped each other. (The ages ranged from 2-5)
8. Last, I could tell BP felt comfortable right away and the children involved her in their activities and playing immediately.
The pictures above show a Waldorf classroom and Waldorf baby dolls. I bought a blue baby for BP and a pink one for BB for Christmas. They are adorable and oh so soft and handmade by Miss Cathryn herself.
For more information on the school we visited today you can go to... www.goldencircle

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Answer...

The top picture is The Barefoot Princess and the bottom picture is The Barefoot Baby for all of you who were wondering.

Monday, November 26, 2007

True Barefoot Princess

These two pictures capture the true barefoot Princess. When BP's Daddy saw these he said "I love these pictures! They are so her!" I could not agree more. I think it has something to do with the hat and the expression on her face. We were on our way to the park last week when it was a little warmer and I snapped these as BP ran to the car.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Can You Tell?

I cannot get over how much our two little girls resemble one another. Can you tell which is The Barefoot Princess and which is The Barefoot Baby? Take a guess...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Finishing Touches

The Barefoot Princess and The Barefoot Baby are sharing a room so we had to order more bedding from Pottery Barn Kids because of course the toddler bedding and the crib bedding had to match. I was so happy that PBK still carried the ultra simple and sweet blue and white french rose bedding (2nd picture) that we ordered two years ago when BP was born. I hope they never discontinue this style. We also needed a new mobile and I love the fabric butterfly version also from PBK that now is hanging above the changing table in the girls' room. The final touch was the flower plaques (1st picture) that Daddy hung the other night. The room is finally finished!!

Hanging at Home

The doctors say two months is the "proper" amount of time to keep a newborn home and at this time of year it is really important to follow this rule of thumb!! We want to keep The Barefoot Baby healthy and happy so we have been spending a lot of time at home in the last few weeks. Here are a couple of shots of the girls just hanging out and having fun!!

The Barefoot Baby's First Bath

In our house Daddy is in charge of bathtime until the little one is able to sit alone. I can honestly say that I never gave The Barefoot Princess a sponge bath or used the little bathtub. That is Daddy's specialty!! So last night was The Barefoot Baby's first submersion after saying good bye to her cord a few days ago. She cried when the cold air hit her, but then was happy to be in the warm water. As I watched the bath ritual and saw that The Barefoot Baby fits right into Daddy's rather large hands, I realized this is another great way for them to bond. I take over bathtime when they are ready to graduate to the big tub, but until then it's all about Daddy / Daughter bonding!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Feeling Thankful...

(photos from

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family from The Barefoot Family!!!

Today I am feeling Thankful for EVERYTHING!!! I truly am blessed in so many ways and the most important thing is that I realize it every morning when I wake up and start my day and every night when my head hits the pillow.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Little Mommy

The Barefoot Princess will receive this front carrier from Pottery Barn Kids for Christmas. She loves all things baby and since The Barefoot Baby was born I have been using the baby carrier often. I know BP will be thrilled to carry her baby too!! It is a great gift for a little girl who likes to play with her babies and it can even be personalized or monogrammed.

Barefoot Princess Style

The Barefoot Princess has been styling herself lately and this is one of her masterpieces. I will treasure these moments and pictures forever!

Can You See The Resemblance???

The top picture is The Barefoot Princess and the bottom is The Barefoot Baby. Three pounds difference, but they are definitely sisters!!! Aren't genes an amazing thing???

The Big Sister

Being a big sister is exhausting!! The Barefoot Princess fell asleep during dinner last night after a long day of being a big sister. One minute she was giggling with Daddy and I and the next she was snoozing with a death grip on her pizza crust.

Her First Smile

I know the experts say it is gas, but she was looking right at me, as I called her name when she cracked this smile!!!


I don't know if it is the rainy weather or the realization that we (The Barefoot Family) need some more room, but I am dreaming of these farmhouses today. I would love to curl up by a fire in one of these houses and play with The Barefoot Princess and The Barefoot Baby. They are all new construction built by a builder from the neighboring county. His website is I love the way he is able to preserve the character and charm of an old farmhouse with the practicality of new construcion for today's family. Each project or home is unique and built for living, laughing and loving!!!

Bee Movie

Daddy took The Barefoot Princess to see her first movie in a theatre last Friday. Since the arrival of The Barefoot Baby we have been trying to do special things with BP and make sure she gets her own time. The movie was all Daddy's idea. BP packed her little pink backpack with a pull-up, a juicebox and some snacks and off they went. I have to be honest I had tears in my eyes (it could be the hormones) because she looked so grown up with her backpack on as she said "bye-bye mommy" and never looked back. Daddy said she made it through almost the whole movie before she got a little antsy and concerned about the bee at the end. She told me all about the movie when they returned and is still talking about it to this day. She says, "Mommy, bee, boom, window ,boo-boo, rain." She also talks about the honey and the flowers a lot too. I hope she remembers this special time she spent with Daddy when she is older!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Flashback to Halloween

A few shots of The Barefoot Princess and her friend Buby on Halloween night. They had a blast trick-or-treating in the nearby little village where Buby lives. It only took them a few houses until they figured out what Halloween was all about.... Candy and "Pops" as BP calls lollipops. The Barefoot Princess loved Buby's costume, Moe, from the Doodlebops and is still talking about it to this day!! She wore her cow costume for the following two days after Halloween. Then The Barefoot Baby arrived and she forgot about it for now...

Barefoot Family Checking In

I used to post at least once a day and now it has been a week. Since the early arrival of The Barefoot Baby, things have been a little hectic. Here are some pictures of our little family. The girls are both doing well. The Barefoot Princess is an excellent big sister!! She is very attached to her baby sister and Mommy and Daddy and wants nothing more than to stay home and play and have everyone together. I think the four days that we were all seprated during the hospital stay were hard on her. So we are working on some normalcy, a schedule and getting out of the house in under two hours!!