Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Irish Soda Bread

We sent BP off to school in her kilt all excited and ready for St. Patrick's Day. (I swear her hair looked a little redder this morning.) BB and I got to work on making the Irish Soda Bread. We made 10 mini loaves and 2 large loaves. Here is my Pop-Pop Wentworth's recipe... Warning this recipe makes A LOT of soda bread. You can adjust it or cut everything in half to make less. Also this soda bread is very moist, a little sweet, and has lots of raisins. It is delicious!

1st soak 2 cups of raisins in hot water

drain raisins when fat

Then in a large bowl...

4 cups whole milk

8 tbsps white vinegar

3 eggs

1/4 tsp baking soda

7 cups flour

2 cups raisins

1 cup sugar

2 tbsps + 2 tsps baking powder

2 tsps salt

mix well

pour into buttered and floured pan

bake at 375 until golden

baking time depends on size of loaf pan


Anonymous said...

Thank you to the leprechauns that delivered the delicious soda bread on our front steps today. It was great! The 3 J's

Lilypad Mom said...

That sounds really good!

Buby + Bleu said...

Yum. I think I'll try this next year. This St. Pat's I had Kitty make a loaf for Tom. I don't like raisons myself, so I'd like to swap those out for chocolate chips. Ha.