Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From Sap to Syrup... We hope!

If you stand in our yard right now and you are very quiet, you may hear the pinging sound of sap hitting the metal buckets hanging from three of our maple trees. It is a beautiful rhythmic sound and it makes me smile becasue this is BP and her Daddy's little project. With a drill, five taps, five buckets and their fingers crossed they tapped three trees and have been collecting sap for two days now. Eventually, if the weather cooperates (cold nights and warm days are needed) they will boil the sap until we have syrup for our pancakes. Their is nothing like REAL maple syrup on pancakes. Once you have the real stuff you can never buy Aunt Jemima again!!! Their is no comparison.
This project is right up BP's alley. She loves to be outside and she loves to check the progress of her trees all day long. She even likes to taste the sap, which some people drink for energy, we recently learned. The Barefoot Baby comes along in her stroller and is slowly getting used to the great outdoors. (Being born in November didn't give her much outside time for the first few months of her life.)
I will take more pictures as the project progresses. I wish I could capture the excitement on BP's face as she runs to each tree and waits for us to pick her up and show her the sap. It is priceless and makes me want to stop time and keep her two and a half forever!


allison said...

What a great idea! Let us know how it turns out. The only thing you'll need to do it boil it? I had no idea. I love BP's outfit...she's so funny. You guys are very clever!

allison said...

Is that a new doll that BP is holding in the photo? Perhaps Bitty doesn't do maple tapping...

Lilypad Mom said...

What a wonderful idea! I hope she is able to collect lots of sap so she can enjoy her syrup all year long. I love BP's hat and boots!

Poley said...

OOOO that looks like so much fun! Dylan goes to a sap house "zap house" with his daddy and tells me all about how you turn sap into maple syrup. I hope BP and BPs daddy cherishes these moments!!!! It's a fantastic idea

Amanda said...

Good luck!! I miss helping Ryan make it, but the weather hasn't been the best the past couple of years we haven't done it. I made LB's daddy promise that next year when LB is more into things that we will set up the Syrup operation again - after all this is a tradition that was passed down to him and I would only want to continue it. I'm sure BP will love every minute of it. You should try to turn some into cream or candy for her - I'm sure she'd love that too!!!

Buby + Bleu said...

This is a wonderful project. I've never done it myself, but I've seen others do it. BP will learn so much and have fun. I love Aunt Jemima, by the way, so maybe I'll challenge your theory of never going back.