Thursday, January 31, 2008

Our Little BB

Everday The Barefoot Baby looks different to me. Everyday her looks change. I guess it is becasue she is growing so... fast! She used to look like her big sister, but I do not see it anymore. I will not say whose side of the family the double or maybe it is a triple chin comes from... He he!!!
In the end she looks like herself, our little BB!!

Playdate with Munchkinetta

Munchkinetta is our neighbor (she lives a couple miles away) and The Barefoot Princess' good friend. They have known each other since they were infants in swimming class and then walkers at the gym, and dancers at Musical Munchkins. They bring out the best in one another and have fun playing and eating!! Today they played dress-up, babies, and Tommies (as BP says). Oh and they ate alot... They had graham crackers, apples, cream cheese and jelly sandwhiches, goldfish, Fruitabus, and some of my pasta. These are two growing girls!!! They are too cute together and I love to listen to them chatter to each other. At lunch I heard them telling each other the real names of their mommies and daddies. It was hysterical!!!

Fly Lady

My friend Judy just told me about and I checked it out today. It is all about organization, time management, uncluttering your life and just getting things accomplished. With a two year old and a two month old I can definitely use help with all of the above so I found Flylady very interesting, informative and helpful!!! My favorite rule of hers so far is 'Getting Dressed to the Shoes.' She says that if you wake up in the morning and shower, get dressed and put on your shoes you will accomplish more than if you lounge around in your jammies or sweats all day. I so agree with this!!! The Flylady has many other interesting ideas so check out her website and maybe you can become more fly too???

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

ABC Cookies

Some cookies we made today...BP suddenly likes letters so we made letter cookies and heart cookies. She had fun decorating them and even more fun licking the icing off of them when it was time to indulge!!! Personally, I think a sugar cookie makes a good day great!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

For Bebe...

While perusing Better Homes and Gardens for decorating ideas, I found this pink and green nursery and thought of a friend who is working on a
nursery whith the same color scheme. I am sure this friend has Bebe's nursery already planned down to the last detail for awhile now, because she is very organized. Just in case... here is a little more inspiration for you!!!

In the Back of My Mind

In the back of my mind I keep thinking about a quote I learned in my very first education class in college... (The class that helped me decide I wanted a future in education)
"Children do not care what you know, until they know that you care."
This is what keeps running through my mind as we visit preschools and talk about The Barefoot Princess going to school next year. I ultimtely want a place where they, the teachers care, and love what they do so that BP knows it and will care what they know!!! A little deep, but I cannot get that quote out of my mind. I guess that is how I woke up and appraoched my students each morning for five years.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Daddy Double Date

The Barefoot Princess and her Daddy joined her good friend Marissa and her father, Bob, for a "Double Daddy Date." The foursome went to see Disney on Ice a couple of weeks ago. BP talked a lot about the show and was very excited to spend time with her good friend. We have to say a very special Thank You to Marissa's brother Sam, who won the tickets in a coloring contest and also to the entire family for thinking of BP and her Daddy and inviting them along!!! So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

Funny Words and Phrases...

Since the birth of The Barefoot Baby, The Barefoot Princess has become quite a talker. She went from a few words to full sentences and sometimes more in about two months. Yesterday in the car BP's Daddy and I looked at each other after about 45 minutes of non-stop chatter and said, "We wanted her to talk?" Then we laughed because her constant chitter -chatter is adorable and like I said CONSTANT. She is very good company and can carry on a great conversation and I would not change it for the world!!! Here are a couple of her funnier words and phrases that I have to post and print because I never want to forget these...

"Time Up" = Time Out

"Hop Ups" = Hiccups

"Snuggly Warm" = Extra Warm

"My Boops" = My Boots

"Wrap Her Over" = Wrap up my baby

"Huggies and Tisses" = BIG Hugs and Kisses

"Nallie Race" = The Barefoot Baby's Name

"Tommie" = Thomas The Tank Engine

"Tommies" = All the Other Engines (She does know their individual names, but uses this to refer to them collectively)

"Slaps" = Our Dog Flaps

"lishous" = Delicious

Phrases of the week...

"I would like..." (She uses this when she wants someting, like... "I would like a tractor or I would like a cow or I would like a baby cow")

"Nice to Meet You"

"Oh My Goodness"

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Homestead School

Another school tour today...and it was amazing!!! That is all I am going to say because we still have a couple more and I am trying to keep an open mind. The Barefoot Princess wanted to stay at this particualar Montessori school with two little friends that latched right onto her during our tour. Always a good sign that BP is comfortable when she unbuttons her coat and tries to join in the fun! Decision 2008 continues... and Mommy and Daddy continue to lose oodles of sleep over this one, but it will al be worth it in the end.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Also from Chasing Fireflies... I could not resist the fish dress and matching purse. The Barefoot Princess has a hard time saying the 'f' in fish so she calls them "wishes." She pretends to fish with her little pole Papa gave her for Christmas and watches fishing with her Daddy on Sunday mornings. They are big fans of the 'Spanish Fly'. She stands with her little Barbie pole while the fishing shows are on and pretends to catch "wishes, big wishes"!!! I know that BP has a little friend and neighbor, Munchkinetta, whose Daddy is also REALLY into fishing and might like this ensemble for his little girl too!!

Farm Chic...

I am loving all of this adorable farm stuff from one of my favorite places...
I was just telling a friend at our playdate today that I would love to find a wooden barn for BP and BB. This one from Chasing Fireflies is so cute and they also have wooden animals to go with it. A little pricey, but well worth it for the wood and timeless look of the toy. I also love all these farm tees, particularly the farm animal numbers tees. And the very first picture of the little white sundress with the chicks is so cute I would order it in two sizes, one for The Barefoot Princess and one for The Barefoot Baby.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

For Uncle David...

When I saw my Aunt Rose today she said, "You have to send Uncle David (her husband) a picture of those cheeks." She was referring to The Barefoot Babies soft chubby cheeks that seem to grow each day. My Uncle David is a big, huge fan of baby cheeks. I remember he used to sit and hold his three children when they were babies and just rub their cheeks. So this picture and post are for you Uncle David!!! Enjoy!!!


We took another road trip today to see our new cousin Xavier. He is my first cousin and BP and BB's second cousin. I just realized I do not have any pictures of him becaue he was eating when I had my camera out. Here are some of The Barefoot Baby and Uncle Mark, The Barefoot Princess and Jack ,who are almost a year apart and played so nicely together. I am so happy my girls have cousins their age to grow up with. Xavier and BB are a little over two months apart. And there are lots more cousins. I think 24 granchildren and 4 great grandchildren on my side of the family!!! My grandparents had ten children who all had children, hence the huge Irish Catholic family!!! It is sometimes a bit chaotic, but always lots of laughs!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Road Trip

Last Friday The Barefoot Princess, The Barefoot Baby and I had a road trip penciled in on our calendar. I told BP we were off for an adventure and two minutes later when I glanced back at her she was sound asleep. I realized I had about two hours to go anywhere and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and fresh fallen snow and think. I soon found myself driving to the area where my favorite farmhouses are built about 45 minutes from our house. (I posted about them once before) We dream of someday building one these new - old farmhouses. They are the essence of The Barefoot Family and on this particular day they were breathtaking!!! As I drove around exploring new territory I was able to do a lot of thinking.

I thought about my two Princesses sound asleep in the backseat and how blessed I am to be their mommy.

I thought a lot about the preschool decision we are facing right now.

I thought about homeschooling...just kidding

I thought about how quickly time passes and enjoying EVERY moment is crucial

I thought about how lucky I am to be able to take a road trip on a sunny Friday afternoon with my two sleepyheads

I thought about our next step and the decisions and changes we (The Barefoot Family) must make in 2008

I thought about who we are and how we want to raise our little girls

I thought about how I would love some hot chocolate, but did not want to disturb the sleeping princesses

Just as I turned around to go home, The Barefoot Princess woke up and in the sweetest little voice asked, "Mommy, my city?"
I told her, "No sweetie, Today's road trip brought us to the country where the air is fresh, the views breathtaking, and life seems so simple, but the cool thing is your city is less than two hours away." My last deep thought for the day was life is definitely about the best of both worlds!

Friday, January 18, 2008

1000 Pieces

BP and BB's Daddy bought this 1000 piece puzzle to do as a family project. I have to admit I thought he was insane to think BP would be able to help and not get frustrated and lose all the pieces. She is used to doing puzzles with oh about 25 pieces. I was wrong!! She loved it and woudl sit next to Daddy and give him puzzle pieces when he asked for certain colors. She often told me during the day that it was Daddy's puzzle and she was helping him and it was very hard. It only took one month and it was complete. There is only one peice missing, which I think is pretty good all things considered. I may have vacuumed it up. I am not sure???

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Barefoot Baby Stats...

(photo from flickr, although I wish I had a scale like this.
I think it would look cute in the girls' room)

The Barefoot Baby had her 2 month well visit today and she shocked us all with her size. She is 13 pounds 6 ounces and 24 inches long. She is in the 95th precentile for height and weight, whatever that means. As long as she is healthy!!! All the sleep we lost when we brought her home from the hospital a month early and at 5 pounds 10 ounces was unnecessary considering she more than doubled her birthweight in two months. So our very sweet pediatrician pointed out to me today that babies normally double their birthweight by 6 months. Oh boy, BB!! I know she loves to eat and has been drinking 7 ounce bottles 7 times a day, yes, that means she eats every three hours without fail, and acts like she is famished when it is time to eat again and never spits any formula up. So I asked the big question... "Is she eating too much?, do we need to cut back a little?" And our Dr. said, "Just try to cut back on the nighttime feedings, with the goal being to cut out the nightime bottles completely and get BB to sleep through the night. We are going to give this a try. I will keep you posted...
Oh, and The Barefoot Baby did not appreciate the needles she was stuck with today. I will never forget her cry or the lower lip quiver when she got her shots today. The Barefoot Princess kept hugging her and telling her it was ok. I had tears in my eyes because of BB's cries and BP's kindness!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

BP's Bag

The Barefoot Princess is really into bags. Any kind of bags. Of all shapes and sizes. Filled with all kinds of treasures. She takes them from room to room in our house, unpacking and repacking her loot. She never leaves the house without her bag and she rarely can be convinced to leave her bag in the car.
Here is what I found in today's bag...
1 Breyer Horse
2 Little People
1 Green Wallet
1 Black Wallet
1 NY State Troopers Card from 2007
1 Calculator
1 Set of Old Jeep Keys
1 Stuffed Pink Giraffe
1 John Deere Christmas Ornament
Play Money
1 Play Credit Card
1 Blue Starch Tag from the Dry Cleaner
I know that this is a silly post, but I never want to forget these little details so I can tell BP someday!!!

A New Woman...

It is amazing how a haircut and a little color can make me feel like a whole new person. Last night I went to see my hair stylist Penny for some much needed pampering. Today, I feel like a whole new woman!

An Old Favorite

The Barefoot Princess was very excited to share an old toy with The Barefoot Baby. The Barefoot Baby was ready for a little stimulation and playtime, she was becoming rather bored in her baby papasan.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Social Smiles...

The Barefoot Bay started to smile in the last week! Really Smile! Not just spontaneous smiles, but "social smiles," as our doctor referred to them.

Happy Birthday Pop-Pop!!!

Happy Birthday to my Dad, BP and BB's Pop-Pop. (His Birthday was yesterday.) Here are a few things about Pop-Pop...

He loves his girls! (BP and BB)
He loves old tractors and steam engines. (Anything with a little history and a lot of rust.)
He is semi-retired.
He loves RFD.
He can eat a whloe pizza.
He is Flaps' BFF.
He loves to read and collect books.
He loves to take road trips and explore dirt roads.
He is quiet and reserved.
He looks great for 57!!!

Turtle Fur

We bought the above hat for The Barefoot Princess in pink to protect her face and neck and keep her extra "snuggly warm" as she says. It is perfect for skiing because it fits under her helmet.

Some other cute hats from They are all made with really soft fleece so they do ot itch or irritate the sensitive skin on little faces.

Mom's Skiing Must Have...

My dream skis!!! I saw them in a shop this weekend and fell in love!

BP's Skiing Must Haves...

The Barefoot Princess hit the slopes again this weekend! This time with the ski harness and the "edgie wedgie," both very useful for a toddler that wants to be an independant skier. We boought them at a ski shop, but both are available on-line. The "edgie wedgie" holds the tips f the skis together and with the harness you are able to control speed and turning. It was so much fun to see BP's face when she was skiing on her own. She was soooo.... happy and proud of herself. We could hear her singing and smiling from ear to ear with joy as she went down the slope.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Real Housewives

I admit to being a fan of reality tv. There are some shows I definitely like more than others. The Real Housewives of Orange Coumty is my new favorite! I get a kick out of these so called "housewives" who live in Orange County, California. They live lives so far from reality I am not sure that this show should be in the reality tv category. It's all about botox, boobs, shopping, and living life on a grand scale. There isn't much housewifery, if that is a word, in the show. Now, I am not completely naive, and have been accused of being high maintenance once or twice in my life. (I like to think I have just been cursed with good taste.) I own a couple of Louies and before BP and BB were born have been known to spend a few hundred dollars at Nordstrom in the salon shoes section, yes, on a single pair of shoes. (That was pre-motherhood mind you.) These women are from another world and do not even compare. Maybe it is an East coast West Coast thing, I don't know, but here is my porposal... to the tv execs...there should be an East coast vesrion of the Real Housewives of Orange County. The other Orange County. I know three other mommies and housewives who would be great examples of real housewives...(BHM, LPM,and BM) What do you think ladies???

Drama Queen

At just two months old, The Barefoot Baby is developing quite the personality. We have been referring to her as our little drama queen. She is cooing and smiling and of course letting us know when she is not happy. She would like to be held all day and spends a lot of time in the front pack, where she is happiest. It is already evident that our two girls will be very unique with very different personalities. Our lives will never be boring and I love it!!!