Monday, December 10, 2007

For a Friend...

Blue House Mom this post is for just for you! I had to laugh when you put Munchkinetta's holiday picture from her first Christmas on your blog because The Barefoot Princess wore the same dress with the same chubby cheeks and a very similar look on her face. So funny to look back now isn't it? They grow too fast!!


allison said...

Look at those eyes! So, so blue! And the cheeks are pudgy and pink. Love it. Too funny that they wore the same dress. My brother bought it and I loved it. Cute photo! What will BP #2 wear this Christmas?

Lilypad Mom said...

Love the cheeks! She is so cute, what a beautiful dress.

Buby + Bleu said...

Wow, looks just like Barefoot Baby here. But bigger. I can't wait to see this year's photo of the girls together.